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The four were now in Madripoor. Maia was wearing an unbelievably short, black shirt and a red top that was so little you could see her under boob. She had a knife hidden on her hip and another poking out her bra. Her hair was down and, if you didn't know she was a psychopathic killer, you'd think she was hot.

Zemo looked like a Russian drug lord, Sam was wearing a maroon suit with yellow snakes over it and Bucky looked like the Winter Soldier.

"We have to fix this." Sam complained. "I'm the only one who looks like a pimp."

"Only an American would assume a fashion-forward Black man looks like a pimp." Zemo shot back. "You look exactly like the man you're supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger."

"He even has a bad nickname." Sam continued complaining. "Hell, he does look like me though."

"You smell this?" Zemo questioned.

"Yeah, what is that? Acid?" Sam asked making Maia chuckle slightly.

"Madripoor." She corrected.

"No matter what happens we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There is no margin for error." Zemo stated before turning to Maia. "Especially you, if someone wants to have sex with you just go to a private room and slit their throat, just like the Winter Widow."

"Whoa, I don't like the sound of that." Sam chimed in.

"I do." Maia grinned before changing the subject. "High Towns that way." She pointed to the left. "Not a bad place if you wanna visit, but we don't exactly have any friends over there."


They were now in a club full of criminals. It was clear to Maia that Sam was uncomfortable and Bucky wasn't very happy about having to pretend to be the Winter Soldier (it was understandable).

"Готовы подчиниться? Зимний солдат?" (Ready to comply? Winter Soldier?) Zemo asked as they approached the bar.

"Hello, gentlemen and lady." The bartender greeted, Maia shot him a flirtatious grin. "Wasnt expecting you, Smiling Tiger."

"His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby." Zemo stated.

"The usual?" The bartender questioned Sam, he nodded in response.

While the bartender went off to make Sam's drink a man approached Maia. "Hey there pretty lady." He grinned, sliding his hand onto Maia's waist.

"Hey." She flirted back despite the fact the man's touch made her body feel like it was on fire.

"Me and my friends rented out a private room, we were wondering if you wanted to come join us." He stated, making Maia laugh as she glanced over to Sam and gave him a look that said 'I got this'.

"Of course, lead the way."

The man took Maia's hand and lead her through the crowd, he took her into a room where she was met with 7 more men. "Ah, this is gonna be fun." She chuckled, getting the knife out her bra and the knife out her skirt.

"Woah, baby, we didn't think you were into-" One of the men said as he walked over to Maia but got cut off by her slitting his throat.

Before the man's body even hit the floor, there was six guns pointed at the woman. She laughed before throwing her knife at one of the mens heads before ducking as the rest of them fired at her.


Eventually, all seven men were dead, Maia was filled with adrenaline and had splatters of blood all over her body. She left the room and got looks of pure fear by some of the people in the club as she walked back over to Sam, Bucky and Zemo.

"She'll take one of these as well." Sam said before downing his shot.

"One of what?" Maia questioned as she saw the gutted snake on the bar. "Oh, yes I will take one of those."

The bartender quickly made another shot containing a snake heart and Maia quickly downed it, earning a look of slight horror from Sam which he quickly covered up with a slight smile as a man approached them.

"I got word from on high. You ain't welcome here." He stated before looking Maia up and down, very obviously checking her out even though she was covered in blood.

"I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me..." Zemo gestured to Bucky who had a stone cold expression on his face.

"New haircut?" The man questioned but received silence from Bucky.

"Or bring Selby for a chat." Zemo added.

The man took one last glance at Maia before walking away. "A power broker? Really?" Bucky questioned.

"Every kingdom needs its king." Zemo shrugged. "Let's just pray we stay under his radar."

"Do you know him?" Sam asked.

"Only by reputation." Zemo sighed.

"In Madripoor he is judge, jury and executioner." Maia added as another man tried to sneak up behind Zemo.

"Атака Зимнего Солдата." (Winter Soldier attack.) Zemo stated as the man placed his hand on Zemo's shoulder.

Bucky used his metal arm and bent the man's hand backwards until he heard a snap, the man was put on his ass and the four gained lots of attention.

Eventually a fight broke out. People were attacking Bucky and Maia but they both effortlessly fought them off. It reminded Maia of her childhood, she and Bucky used to go on missions together. Bucky always tried to do most of the work but Maia being a murderous, stubborn child always found someone or something to kill.

Sam looked at the two fighting in invisible horror. He had never seen Maia properly fight, he always just assumed she was like Natasha but worse. What he was watching was something beyond what he ever imagined. Sam could see moves he had seen Bucky and Natasha do but they were executed much more destructive and lethal. Maia was much more blood-thirsty and homicidal than anything Sam had ever witnessed.

After there were about thirty bodies on the floor they all heard guns cocking as Maia straddled someone with a knife in her hand and Bucky had someone by the throat across the bar.

"Selby will see you now." The bartender stated.

"Молодец, солдат." (Well done, soldier) Zemo told Bucky making him release his grip. "Вдова, хорошая работа." (Widow, good job) Maia stood up and let her opponent scurry away from her.

"You good?" Sam asked Bucky who didn't look anywhere as happy as Maia.

Bucky sharply inhaled before following Zemo. "You could at least try to look like you didn't enjoy that." Sam gritted through his teeth as he looked at Maia.

"But I did enjoy it." Maia shot back as they followed Bucky and Zemo.

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