Chapter 14 - Unkind Hero

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Chapter 14: If Sekitani Jun is a Kind Hero, then He's Not


Previously: Houtarou is back after he got kicked out in the flower festival because of false accusation. At the moment, He's coming to rescue them and take revenge. This will be the end of Kuro Threats?

Story Continues:

Eru: "H-Houtarou-kun...Is that really you.?"


"Why? Why did you come to rescue me?"

"Don't get a wrong idea...I just pay back for that Okuma person..."

Satoshi: "Eh..why?"

"He's the one who molested Eru during flower festival."

Keitarou: " you finally found out huh?"

" you admit it.."

Kaho: "So it clears now."

Mayaka: "But Perv- do you know...?"

"Ahh..Seiki-san told me.."

Eru: "Seiki-san?"

"He calls me secretly at the entire time so I knew everything.."

Keitarou: "You!!! I'm going to defeat you...But why..that girl hurts you remember?"

Houtarou: "It's because all your fault....I'm here to get revenge at you..that's why I clear my name and going to make you pay...FOR HURTING HER!!!"

Eru is able to blush even in that bad situation.

"Kyousuke! Help the police to capture those threats...I settle this with Okuma.."

Kyousuke: "Got it..." The he leave at the warehouse to help the police.

Tetsugo: "Oreki-kun....I want to-"

Houtarou: "Save it for later..Chitanda-ojisan.."

Keitarou: "It seems I can't go anywhere...then I have no choice..Let's settle this Oreki!"

"If I don't have to do something, I won't, but if I have to, I'll do it quickly."

They both rushing towards each other. When they get near, Keitarou throw a punch with a full force due to his anger, but Houtarou remain calm and able to dodge his punches. While everyone is quietly observing between their duel.

Houtarou thought: "Due to Kyousuke, hard training for me..I easily able to dodge it."

Satoshi thought "Houtarou, got your moves. I can't believe you can do this."

Eru thought "Houtarou-kun moves so flawlessly...I was right that he can do more that mystery solving..just how he improved so far? Watashi Kinninarimasu!"

Keitarou: "HAAA! Why I can't hit you!!!!?"

Keitarou suddenly pick up his knife from his pocket and he able to cut Houtarou's left arm and start to bleed.

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