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I took it upon myself the very next day to drink the tea. I honestly drank two large cups and then I ate some fruits and two salads throughout my day. When it came time to sleep I did, but I didn't dream at all. I was woken up around the hours of 4 to throw my guts up. I felt sick, every time I'd throw up I'd have this strong pulsating feeling happen within my stomach. It almost felt like he was trying to yank me back into his dream world.

The radio came on suddenly and started to play a random song that I had heard before

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The radio came on suddenly and started to play a random song that I had heard before. The Zombie by C. W. Stoneking. It invoked this deep feeling within me that made me yearn for Joseph. I slam my hand on it shutting it off. I walk out of the bathroom and lay on my bed for the rest of the morning.

This morning, I decided to try archery for the very first time. I signed up online and put on my best outfit for the occasion, something comfortable yet suitable for archery practice. With my purse slung over my shoulder, I walked out of my room, down the hall of the house, and finally reached the front door.

 With my purse slung over my shoulder, I walked out of my room, down the hall of the house, and finally reached the front door

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I hopped into my car and left the neighborhood, the excitement building as I anticipated this new adventure. Along the way, I grabbed a refreshing smoothie to keep my energy up for the day.

Thirty minutes later, I arrived at the archery place. I went through the sign-up process, filling out forms and waivers, all the while my anticipation grew. Finally, they told me it was time to purchase a bow and a set of arrows for the course.

Entering the back room, I was greeted by a wall filled with bows of various sizes and styles. As I perused the options, I turned around, and there it was—the exact bow and set of arrows from my dream. It felt like destiny, and without hesitation, I grabbed it.

Though it was a bit pricey, I didn't care. It felt like the universe had guided me to this specific choice. With my new bow and arrows in hand, I walked back to the front room and paid for it.

The four-hour course was about to begin, and I couldn't wait to learn the art of archery. I knew there were three more sessions to come, but today marked the beginning of a thrilling journey into a skill I had always wanted to master.

 I knew there were three more sessions to come, but today marked the beginning of a thrilling journey into a skill I had always wanted to master

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As I stepped onto the archery range, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The instructor welcomed me and began explaining the basics of archery.

"First things first," he said, "let's work on your posture." He showed me how to stand with my feet shoulder-width apart, at a slight angle to the target, and how to hold the bow properly. I tried to mimic his stance, feeling a bit awkward at first.

He continued, "Now, grasp the bowstring with your fingers, not too tight, just enough to maintain control." I did my best to follow his instructions, trying to find that delicate balance.

He observed my efforts and offered some feedback. "That's it, you're doing well. Archery is all about consistency and practice."

We spent some time working on my stance and grip, making sure I felt comfortable. Then he handed me an arrow and explained how to nock it onto the string. "Gently place the arrow onto the arrow rest and make sure it clicks securely."

I followed his guidance, and he checked to ensure I had done it correctly. "Good job," he praised.

"Now, pull back the bowstring, keeping your elbow up and fingers relaxed. Focus on your target, and when you're ready, release."

I hesitated for a moment, nerves fluttering, but then I released the arrow, and it sailed toward the target. It didn't hit the bullseye, but it landed on the target, and I couldn't help but smile.

The instructor encouraged me, saying, "Excellent! It takes time to get the hang of it. Remember, it's all about practice and patience."

Throughout the lesson, he patiently guided me, providing tips and corrections to improve my technique

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Throughout the lesson, he patiently guided me, providing tips and corrections to improve my technique. With each shot, I felt myself getting more comfortable and confident, the thrill of hitting the target motivating me to keep going.

By the end of the lesson, I knew I had a long way to go, but I was eager to continue my archery journey. It was an experience I was determined to master, one arrow at a time.

By the time I left it was five and I was very hungry. I stopped at my local organic grocery store and picked up some pasta and lobster tails. I also grabbed some other little stuff and paid. I left the building and packed the hemp bags into the car. I got in and put my seat belt on. I started the car and drive home.

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