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I found myself growing weary of the monotonous routine that had entangled me. I had unwittingly succumbed to the mundane, losing track of the passing days. The confining walls of the house had become my cage, with over two weeks passing since I last tasted the freedom beyond its boundaries. The butlers, acting as vigilant custodians, meticulously recorded my every move—an unwelcome intrusion into my previous life of boundless autonomy.

Unlike my home, where I reveled in the freedom to roam and indulge my whims, this place left me feeling like a caged bird yearning for the open sky.

My attempts to influence this man's life had proven futile, and the frustration of my futile endeavors weighed on me. The journey to this place seemed like a misguided pursuit, resulting in my exposure to discomfort and awkward predicaments.

I was reluctant to plead with my supposed mate, contemplating the idea of having him mark me solely to break free from a generational curse haunting him, threatening to consume him.

The prospect of dealing with his complications felt like a headache, leading me to contemplate the option of allowing him to mark me and then forging my own path. Perhaps, by immersing myself in a myriad of hobbies, I could cope with the idea of him engaging with other women, all the while playing the role of a reluctant hero.

Yet, the bitter reality dawned on me—this scenario would grant me only half of a mate and an illusory sense of liberation. It seemed as though my life had been tailor-made for the singular purpose of saving his, and frustration enveloped me. What was he doing for me in return?

The purported security of having a mate felt like a hollow facade, casting me into what seemed like a rigged game where my control was severely limited, and the rest lay in his hands. It was as if he harbored some inscrutable death wish that I wanted no part of.

His masochistic tendencies left me questioning his past, contemplating how ordinary humans metamorphosed into incubi.

One evening, with Lucien away and Joseph preoccupied with his entanglements, I found myself summoned to the forest. Summoning the strength to traverse the halls of the old plantation home, I reached the back door, which stood ajar, releasing the fragrant symphony of Rosemary and tobacco into the air. Following this distinctive scent, I arrived at the edge of a cliff, where dark blue, choppy waters stretched below, shrouded in the shadows of the evening.

 Following this distinctive scent, I arrived at the edge of a cliff, where dark blue, choppy waters stretched below, shrouded in the shadows of the evening

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A sudden hiss and hum reverberated through the forest, compelling me to face the encroaching darkness. The thick, gray cloud rolled in with unnatural speed, almost as if some otherworldly force was dictating its path. Thunder growled in the distance, soon followed by a blaze of lightning striking a tree branch nearby. In the aftermath, a figure emerged from the smoke, a manifestation of darkness in human form.

To my astonishment, the face that materialized wasn't a stranger's—it belonged to the librarian. It shouldn't have surprised me, considering the cryptic information he had shared, knowledge beyond the grasp of common understanding.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my tone cutting through the charged air.

"I have an ultimatum for you," he replied, tapping his fingers together with a sinister smirk. My curiosity mingled with dread as I pressed, "What is it?"

"You can buy time and save your mate by the next time I come around to collect. Alternatively, you can let me have you all to myself for as long as I desire. I get your soul, and he gets to be free," he declared, his words a chilling revelation.

Disbelief and horror surged within me. "You should know my choice already," I retorted defiantly.

"I'll give you until the next full moon," he said, a gust of wind carrying his words through the mortal strip. A force shoved me to the edge of the cliff before I could react. As I teetered on the brink, Joseph emerged from the darkness that had taken root in the depths of the forest. Time slowed, but I knew he wouldn't reach me in time.

 Time slowed, but I knew he wouldn't reach me in time

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I plummeted, and the world seemed to decelerate. The water below opened its arms, enveloping me in its cold embrace. Yet, that chill felt warm compared to the love I yearned to have  with Joseph.

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