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As the water embraced me in its coldness, a peculiar warmth emanated from within. In that suspended moment, visions of a future with Joseph unfolded before my eyes. Images of shared laughter, whispered promises, and stolen kisses painted a vivid tapestry of the life we could have together. The frigid water, paradoxically, became the catalyst for a flood of emotions and glimpses into what could be.

 The frigid water, paradoxically, became the catalyst for a flood of emotions and glimpses into what could be

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Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me, an ethereal sensation that cut through the underwater murkiness. The outlines of Joseph's figure materialized in the watery realm. Although his lips moved, the water distorted the words, rendering them indecipherable.

His strong hands encircled my waist, and together, we began the ascent toward the surface. His muffled voice persisted, reaching me in fragmented whispers as he swam toward the shore. The chilling water seemed to retreat, replaced by a sensation of security in Joseph's embrace.

As we emerged onto the shore, gasping for breath, I realized he had saved me from the clutches of the abyss. The visions of our future lingered, imprinted in my mind, a poignant reminder of what could be. Joseph's eyes met mine, a mix of relief and concern reflected in their depths.

"Are you okay?" he finally spoke, the clarity of his voice returning as the distance from the water increased.

"Are you okay?" he finally spoke, the clarity of his voice returning as the distance from the water increased

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I nodded, gratitude flooding my heart for the man who had leaped into the cold depths to rescue me. The visions, triggered by the icy water, had shown me a future worth fighting for. And in that moment, dripping wet and shivering, I found solace in Joseph's arms, grateful for the warmth of the love that had the power to save.

Upon returning to the home, Joseph's demeanor shifted dramatically. A newfound sense of territoriality and protectiveness emanated from him, casting a shadow of intensity over his usual calm demeanor. Once inside, he swiftly took charge, summoning the family guards with an urgency that left no room for delay.

As the guards arrived, Joseph issued commands to employ additional personnel and fortify the home's defenses. It was a response so swift and determined that it spoke volumes about the gravity of the situation.

His next call was to his brother, Lucien. Their conversation unfolded in hushed tones, yet the seriousness of their discussion echoed through the air. As he hung up, Joseph turned his attention to me, a stern expression etched across his face.

"From now on, every move you make will be watched," he declared, his voice unwavering. "You'll go everywhere with a guard. No exceptions."

The weight of his words settled on me, and I nodded in acknowledgment, realizing the implications of the incident by the cliff. Joseph continued, "I won't be having guests at the home anymore, nor will I be conducting affairs outside. The butlers will handle such matters."

His protective stance left me with mixed emotions—gratitude for the concern, but also a sense of confinement. The newfound vigilance underscored the danger lurking in the shadows, and it became apparent that the waters I had been saved from were not the only perilous depths I needed to navigate. The sanctuary of the home now stood as a fortress, guarded against unseen threats, and I found myself willingly accepting the shelter of Joseph's watchful gaze.

The weight of the new security measures hung heavy in the air, and as we settled into a more secluded existence within the fortified home, I couldn't help but question Joseph about the marked bond between us.

"Why don't you just mark me and end this uncertainty?" I asked, a sense of urgency in my voice. "Save yourself and me from whatever dangers lie ahead."

His expression shifted, a flicker of defensiveness clouding his eyes. "I can't," he replied, his voice carrying a weighty truth. "My venoms are too potent. Marking you would endanger your life, and I can't risk that."

A moment of silence lingered, and I felt the gravity of his words sink in. The realization that the very act meant to symbolize unity and protection could pose a lethal threat to me left an unsettling echo in the room.

"It's not that I don't want to," Joseph continued, his gaze filled with a mix of frustration and concern. "I'd do anything to spare you from harm, but my very nature could become a danger. Morning a mate is something I can't bear."The vulnerability in his admission hinted at the internal struggles he faced, torn between the desire to forge a bond and the fear of causing irreversible harm.

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