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"Hey, are you feeling better now? Do you want me to get you some juice?" I asked her as she lay down with her eyes closed.

"Just leave me alone," she mumbled. I rolled my eyes and sat beside her, gently placing her head on my lap.

"Listen, you should ignore them," I said.

"Why were you taking my side?" she asked me. It's a pointless question.

"Because... you know that you're here for me. You married me, so it's my responsibility to protect you and take care of any problems you have," I explained.

"So, that means you'll always take my side no matter what I do?" she asked, looking at me with her innocent eyes. Like she isn't asking me about the scene happening downstairs. Her question is deeper than this.

"Yes, baby, I'll always support you in front of others, even if you're in the wrong. But it's also my duty to correct you in private, just like you should do the same to me," I said, cupping her face.

"Like last night, when you thought I did something wrong by touching you to open your blouse. You slapped me, but it was in private. Husband and wife matters should only be dealt with privately. Just because you thought it was wrong doesn't mean you were right. I can touch you. But, In your opinion, you corrected my behavior, right?" I explained.

"You're such a nice person, I'm not a good match for you," she mumbled, suddenly hugging me and burying her face in my neck.

"You're the best. If God chose you for me, then it's the perfect match," I reassured her.

"Is your head really hurting, or did you just want to escape from there?" I asked. She chuckled and looked up.

"It was actually hurting, listening to them," she said, leaning on me. Something seems off, she's not acting like herself.

"Something happened, I'm asking nicely, but you're not replying. You're just snuggling into my chest," I said, this time a little more sternly.

"I'm missing my mom and dad," she mumbled sadly.

I took out my phone and video called her parents while she still had her head on my chest.

"Hello, mom," I greeted, and Khushi looked towards the door, creating some distance between us.

" Mom," I called out, turning the camera towards Khushi, whose eyes welled up with tears.

" Mommy," she sobbed.

" My big baby is crying. Do you want to see your dad? That old man is busy with his laptop, taking an online class," Mom said with a smile. Khushi chuckled and nodded.

" Daksh, your baby girl is on the call," she shouted, and within seconds, Dad joined Mom.

" How are you? Are you happy there? Is he treating you right? If he misbehaves, don't hide it. You look beautiful," her father said without pausing, making Khushi laugh.

" I wonder if I'll act like this when I have a daughter," I thought, watching Khushi engrossed in her family conversation, completely forgetting about me. She wasn't even facing me now.

" Khushi, give him a chance, okay? Don't hold back. Trust our choice for once, okay, dear," I overheard Mom saying. Is there something I should know? I feel like I'm in the dark about something. Should I reread her diary?

" Mom, he's nice... but I don't think he'll accept me," Khushi said, She had actually forgotten about me after talking to her parents. I felt a pang of jealousy, when she will talk to me with this excitement.

" He will... just don't say anything to him," Mom's voice interrupted my thoughts, but Dad cut in.

" Khushi, wait for the right time. He w..." Dad was saying when the call suddenly disconnected.

" I was so close to finding out," I muttered.

" Khushi, what were you talking about?" I asked, and she turned towards me with wide eyes.

" N... Nothing... we were talking about someone else. I'm so tired; I'm going to get some sleep," she said, lying down and facing the other way.

I turned to face her, lying down beside her. "Is there any reason for me to not like you?" I asked, placing my hand on her waist.

She continued to gaze into my eyes, nodding her head.

"I will never, never hate you," I said, bringing his lips closer to hers. Seeing this, Khushi closed her eyes, but when our lips met, she pushed him away with force.

We were this close to kissing . Why did she push me away. What's wrong with you khushi?

"Okay, I'm going downstairs. You should rest, and when you start feeling better, please come downstairs. Our relatives must have left by now," I said without looking at her, not because she pushed me but because I should have thought before trying to kiss her knowing very well she isn't comfortable with me till now.

"Why do I keep getting reminded of things I shouldn't remember? Why did I even think about trusting someone after what happened to me. Rohit was a bad choice and was my mistake , but after Rohit, it was the most horrible experience. I know he's not like them, but what can I do now? He'll leave me after knowing about my past ." Khushi kept mumbling, while I listened to her from outside the room.

So there is actually something. If you wouldn't tell me then I will find out on my own but I will wait for you to open up. I don't mind your past relationship, just don't tell me you were physical with him.

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