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After they come home khushi went to kitchen after changing her clothes.

Everyone was sitting in living room talking about the day while khushi was cooking her food and looking at her phone in some interval.

Just when Rishabh name with heart emoji showed on her phone screen she quickly answer her call smiling putting it on speaker since no one was present in kitchen.

" How is my little bunny doing. " Rishabh said in cheerful tone.

" Not good bunny is missing someone and his hug too. When you will ne back it's been seven months you said you will be back."

" Tell the little bunny I'm missing my wife hug too but I can't come I will be back soon. "

" Rishabh you don't even talk to me " Khushi said sounding sad.

" The money I have spend to talk to you in those months I can buy a brand you luxurious car from that money . Leave it tell me how was your doctor visit. "

" Who told you about it " Khushi ask confused taking out some vegetables to make salad with food.

" Ronit "

" It was good " She said blinking her eyes fastly.

" Ok you start lying again. It's ok visit your chachu tomorrow just him. " Rishabh said softly khushi sniffled like a kid listening to him.

" Rishabh everyone judge me . I don't want to visit anyone again. " She said and more tears start making there way out of her eyes. She quickly wipe it going back to her work .

" I'm making kadhi rice with salad and of course boiling milk to for everyone. I hate this I didn't have to drink it at home but mom make everyone drink it. " Rishabh chuckle listening to her complaining .

" By the way you know I'm making suger free khir for dad he will like it I'm sure."

Like this they keep talking to each other for an hour by the time they ended their call khushi was also done with dinner.

Khushi look at the empty table then towards her phone.

She dial rishabh number who immediately answer her call.

" Talk to me for another hour I have to wash dishes. "

" You are going to clean kitchen now. Mom give you salary on maid's behalf too . " Rishabh said in kind of scolding tone.

" We should clean our kitchen before sleeping. Talk to me till night untill I don't sleep. " She said and start washing all the things.

" Rishabh when you will be back "

" Soon " He said taking a drag of his cigarette.

After cleaning up kitchen she went to her room still talking to him.

She cover herself with blanket smiling.

" Now I regret being angry with you a day before you left. " She said touching her lips.

" So my khushi is not missing me but my touch on her thighs neck cheeks..

" Wait before you say something stop I'm missing both. You are not sleeping with some girls right. I will kill that girl if you..

" Khushi sleep now it's twelve don't you have to wake up tomorrow. Sleep and pay visit to your uncle good night love. " He said and soon hang up the call .

" I can't sleep without him. I'm missing him soo much. " Khushi said making grabby hand to particularly no one.


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