(Name) was an attorney in Fontaine who was very popular for not losing a single trial.She was also quite popular among children due to her cheeky personality.
"NEUVILLETTE????" you said not expecting to see him.
"Ah monsieur Neuvillette, what an honour it is to have you here to see my show!" Lyney said not expecting him either.
"Ah, Mr. Lyney. I should say it is in fact an honour for me to see your performance in person. It is also an honor to see you again, Ms. (Name)." Neuvillette said in a courteous manner.
"Hoho! No need to be so formal Neuvillette! We aren't in trial now,are we? Loosen up a bit,would ya?" (Name) said with positive aura surrounding her.
"Wait,Neuvillette? Could he be....." a flying mascot said.
"Hmm? I just saw you all chatting just now,but it seems you still don't know Monsieur Neuvillette is. Allow me to introduce you to Fontaine's Chief Justice. That seat over there is always reserved for him. It wouldn't be too much to say that he's the symbol of justice and honesty here in Fontaine." Lyney explained it to the fairy and the blondie.
"Whoa! Sorry for being so rude just now. We had no idea you were such an important person." The fairy said.
Neuvillette only hummed in response. "No offense taken. Being the Chief Justice is merely what I do for work. Nearly every person has their usual reserved seat. So I'm not so special,really." Neuvillette responded.
"He is lying. He is actually really special." (Name) whispered to the duo but Neuvillette seemed to heard it but he paid no mind to it.
He cleared his throat and began to speak, " And by the way, I should probably let you know, even though I would prefer not too..... There's someone sitting up there in the VIP seats that has been striking a pose for quite a while now. I believe she's trying to give you the most elegant and impressive first impression. So, I think you should take notice of this sooner rather than later, otherwise she may become flustered."
Everyone's attention way now on the God of Justice who seemed to have quite an amused look on her face. She just chuckled after everyone was facing her. You gave her a heart-warming smile and waved at her to which she returned the wave back.
"Huh? Oh, it's Furina, the hydro archon. She sure has a smug and satisfied look on her face. Guess she has no idea that you saw right through her act."
"Very good,that is for the best. No need to pay her any more attention, we may now enjoy the show." Neuvillette said to them in a monotone manner.
"Huh? So is this what things are like between the Chief Justice and the Hydro Archon?"
"Alright, please wait just a little longer. I've pretty much finished my preparations and the performance will start as soon as the audience has made their way to their seats." Lyney said before leaving to go back stage.
"Oh wait, I just realized, I don't know who you two are. So, who are you two?" (Name) asked the duo.
"Ah, Paimon is Paimon and this is Aether. We are travelers from afar and are on a journey to go to all the seven nations." Paimon said.
"Yup yup. We are them."
"It's an honor to meet you two! I am (Name), the best and the most awesome attorney you can find in Fontaine!" You declared proudly."Soooooo,do you mind telling me about your stories across teyvat? Pretty please?" (Name) asked in curiosity, wanting to know more about them.
"Yeah sure!"
Since (Name)'s seat was to the right side of Neuvillette's and the traveler's was to his left. So, Neuvillette scooted over a little to make space for (Name) so that she can sit there and have a chat with the traveler.
As you went on chatting by Paimon telling you all their adventures through teyvat, you for truly amazed.
"Yes we did and we even won against some."
"You and Neuvillette seem really close. It seems like you can talk to him normally despite his cold demeanor. "
"Neuvillette may appear strict and cold but he's a really precious person! He just finds it hard to express his emotions but he'll eventually warm up to you like he did to me!"
"Do you know anyone by the name of Shikanoin Heizou in Inazuma?"
"Yes we have, do you know him?"
"Yes! I once went to a vacation to Inazuma not knowing that I would actually be solving a case and act as someone's attorney there! The case was really troublesome too."
Eventually the lights dimmed. That meant that show was about to start.
"Ooo! The show is about to start. I'll go back to my seat now." You said going back to your seat.
"OOO! Paimon can't wait to see the show!"
Lyney proceeded to get on stage, effectively gathering everyone's attention towards him.
"Welcome, one and all, to the Opera Epiclese! I am the star of today's show, Lyney!" He said showing no signs of nervousness.
"And over here is my sister, Lynette, who will be working as my wonderful assistant. Please let's give her a warm welcome!"
"Hello everyone." Lynette said in a tired voice.
"Haha, I know she may seem a little sleepy right now,but that's just a sign that she's nervous."
(I'm too lazy to write this entire shit so imma just shorten it. :D)
To prove that Lyney and Lynette don't use their vision as unfair means, they proceeded to give it to their assistant. As the show began, Lynette left to go the back stage while Lyney started by making his hat float. As the hat was floating, he gently tapped on it to make some cards appear from it. As he flipped the hat back on his head, a pigeon flew out of it. How? Lyney then proceeded to give an audience a smile filled with content. He then proceeded to make cards appear from here and there and then he makes another pigeon to come out of his hands.
As everyone's eyes were on the pigeon, we see a water tank on which Lynette way sitting on, waving at the audience. This magic trick was about to make her disappear. She plopped in the tank, the tank closed, Lyney pretended to be scared but then regained his composure ,snapped his fingers and made Lynette dissapear into the water, leaving only clothes. As the crowd was surprised, Lyney casually told Lynette to reappear and she did. Everyone applauded right as she appeared.
You never know what can happen in a blink of an eye.
The end
(Me getting the motivation to write after watching the 4.1 trailer)
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