♡Special Chapter♡

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Few years back...

"(Name) honey, you have to go outside once in a while. You can't keep on hiding under those covers." A woman's voice said, of course it was your mother.

You could only mumble gibberish in response since you were to lazy to frame a sentence as you hid underneath the warm blanket, comfortable with your plushie.

"Your sister always goes out everyday and talks to people. You should try that out sometime aswell. You'll even make a friend or two." Your mother tried convincing you to go out.

"I don't want to...." You replied lazily.

"Well you have to sometime! And that sometime is today!"
Before you could even exhale, your mother snatched your blanket away.


She didn't even let you speak as she grabbed you from behind, holding the collar and forcing you out of your bed.




You were now standing, looking decent enough and you're leaving your comfort zone....with your sister.  You were actually outside. You actually saw people and melusines. You were allowed to take your duck plushie with you, so you were pretty much clinging onto it for dear life since  you hadn't socialized in so long. Your sister, on the other hand, is out there, comfortably talking with people. You just watched from afar how she interacted with people.

As you were getting tired from just standing there and watching your sister talk with everyone, you decided to just sit on a bench and zone out. But instead of zoning out, a melusine had approached you and sat next to you. You stared at the melusine with confusion but later on just let it be. The melusine was humming a song while reading a newspaper. You were just trying to play with your duck plushie so it seemed that you were also busy.After some time you thought about finally interacting and communicating for once.


"You finally spoke!" The melusine cheered with joy as she closed her newspaper and put it away.

"Well damn."

"You surely lack the communicating skills, don't you, Little one?" The melusine asked.

"Excuse me what?" You felt quite insulted.

"Am I wrong though?" This melusine was SURE that you had never seen grass nor people for ATLEAST a month.

"...well you aren't wron-"

"Exactly! Now follow me, little one."

The melusine said before hoping off from the bench and waddling towards a bakery. You stared at the melusine while glancing back at your sister who clearly really into her conversation with strangers somehow. So, you decided to follow the melusine towards the bakery.

The melusine cleared her throat before speaking.

"Two chocolate pastries please." The melusine said before taking out the money to pay. She wanted to keep it on the cashier's table but couldn't as she was quite small. You helped her out and kept it for her.

"Thank you, little one!"

You couldn't help but a smile a little.

"Um..your welcome."

"Here's your two chocolate pastries." The cashier said before handing the box to the little melusine.

"Thank you so much."

♡LITTLE MISS ATTORNEY♡Where stories live. Discover now