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In USA, the 114th floor of 'AyHan enterprises Inc' was dead silent

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In USA, the 114th floor of 'AyHan enterprises Inc' was dead silent. The conference hall was filled with the people and each one of them held the status higher then one another but right now they were scared to their wits. The sweat was tickling down their forehead, they were even holding their breaths afraid to offend the man infront of them.

The man was devilishly handsome with the perfect features to the point that left people to lost themselves in his beauty. Straight nose, sharp like knife jawline, long curled eyelashes and his beautiful green eyes were an cherry on the top. His hairs were perfectly gelled to the side with some of the bangs falling on his forehead, his beautiful long slender fingers were slightly drumming against the table making the heart rate of the higher ups accelerate. Dressed in black 3 piece custom made suit, he sat expressionless with a dagger like gaze.

It was obvious that the man was expecting an answer from these people and their silence was making him angry. A man in his 50s gulped a lump of ball and cleaning his sweaty forehead he decided to answer his scary Boss. But just as he opened his mouth, the door of conference hall was pushed open and a man in his twenties with glasses walked in hurriedly. Panic was evident on his soft features and his gaze straight landed on his boss's face.

"What happened"? A magnetic voice sounded in the pin dropped silent hall. All the people in the conference hall felt the pressure that they visibly shuddered in fear "Your father...." the assistant named John trailed off as his eyes met the murderous gaze of his boss. The soft drumming of fingers stopped instantly as he stood up elegantly spreading a noble aura. Buttoning his coat gracefully, he fisted his hands as he walked out mumbling slowly but his words made the people took a sigh of relief and they slumped in their chairs relaxed "Meeting is over"

The next day, the private jet of Zaroon Hamdaani landed in Pakistan. Zaroon walked out of the airport with an deathly expression on his beautiful face. His assistant John was walking with some distance fearing his boss's wrath and several bodyguards were spread across on some distance with stern faces and guns in their hands.

Several black Audi's were parked infront of the airport and when the driver saw Zaroon, he hurriedly bowed and opened the car door respectfully. As soon as he sat in the car, he closed his eyes placing his head on the headset of the backseat. Yuhaan's face flashed infront of his eyes and he jerked opened his eyes. A saddened look passed through his beautiful green eyes as he looked up at the sky through window "Please be Okay Dad" A small plead left his mouth as he pursed his lips in a thin line.

"Mom" Zaroon called out as he hugged his mother as soon as he saw her sitting on the bench infront of the ICU. Husniyah who was sitting with her mother took a sigh of relief seeing her brother "B-brother" She called out with quivered lips and tears started rolling out of her eyes "Don't cry doll" Zaroon voiced out helplessly because seeing his most important people of his life broken like this, his strong demeanour cracked.

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