The Android

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TW: Blood, injury, you know the drill.

Bing looked and saw a red string had wrapped around him. Almost instantly, he tugged at it and ripped it. He took it off his wrists and neck as it wrapped around there too. He noticed how the ones around his wrists and neck were different pieces. Still, it didn't answer how it got on the android.

"And here I was thinking you'd be easier than the other two," A disembodied voice observed out loud.

The android whipped his head around and looked around, seeing no one. "Who are you? What do you want," Bing yelled as he continued to look only to find nothing.

"That's no way to speak to your new friend, now, is it, Bing," The voice continued, and it caused Bing to look in the direction he heard it. On the stairs was the actor himself, smirking. It sent chills down the android's spine. He remembered Dark telling him about Actor, but never once did Bing think he'd encounter him.

"You made a mistake," Bing warned. "If you lay a single hand on me, I'll alert Google I'm here, and Dark will come find us. Just let Yancy and Illinois go, and we'll be out of your hair, got it?"

Actor laughed as he seemed to not take Bing seriously. "Oh Bing, I don't think you understand, that is my goal. I want them to come, and even if I did lay a hand on you, I know how the connection is out here. It's not very good, meaning you can't alert anyone," The actor spoke as he got closer to the android. "You should have brought someone else, but instead, you didn't. How does it feel, knowing you're going to regret your decision thanks to your own impulse?"

Bing scowled and spat at the actor. He didn't naturally produce something like spit, so it was more like he spat oil at Actor's face. "You won't get away with this. With me being here, Google can find you, and he will tell Dark," Bing continued to threaten, but nothing he said seemed to even phase the actor.

The actor rolled his eyes and wiped off the oil. "You make me laugh, Bing. I see why Google is the better one. He would have given a better threat and brought backup, unlike you." Actor glanced at Bing, a plan formed in his head. "But before I insult you any further, let's take care of you," Actor mocked with a smile.

Before the android could ask what he meant, the actor snapped his fingers, and the red string wrapped around the android's neck and wrists once more. Bing went to tug at it, but he found himself unable to move. He couldn't even speak. Now he understood what Actor meant.

"Hm.... I like you better this way. No more empty threats, no more hearing your annoying voice, and certainly, no more waste of technology that's further advanced than your knowledge," Actor stated as he tugged on the string. "I'm glad the entity let me upgrade in case I ran into you or Google early. That string isn't ripping unless I let it."

Bing went to say something, but once again, he found himself unable to. He could do nothing besides just see. He glared at the actor and rolled his eyes at Actor's words. He didn't care what the actor said. All he did was hear him blabbering his mouth for the sake of talking. However, Bing's ears heard something that sent shivers down the android's spine.

"Can androids feel pain?" Actor tilted his head, acting innocent despite the threat lingering close to that question. "Do they, Bing? Or they simply mock the idea of pain to seem more human?"

The android attempted to shake his head in an attempt to stop Actor from doing whatever he was thinking of, but he instead let out a scream as he felt like his entire body was being crushed. Bing fell to the floor and curled up as he couldn't stop himself from crying from the pain. "Make it stop, please!" He let out a whimper and continued to struggle due to the pain.

Meanwhile, Actor laughed. He enjoyed the very sight of the android crying and screaming at his feet. "Next time, think before you speak, Bing. I can make you feel so much pain or make you be fine at the same time, now which do you prefer?"

The pain stopped, but the orange-themed ego remained curled up. Now, Bing could have taken this as a chance to apologize, but since he could care less about Actor, he yelled, "Is this why Celine left? I bet she-" The android got interrupted by another round of pain, letting out yet another scream. Bing was going to learn to keep his mouth shut.


"Bing is gone, and his tracker isn't working," Google simply informed Host. He'd known hours prior that Bing was missing, but he didn't want to overthink things, so he overruled it as Bing perhaps went to see Chase or something, but when the android didn't show up for his weekly check-in, the blue-themed android knew something was up. "I looked everywhere I could, and I don't know what to tell Dark; They are already dealing with Illinois and Yancy being gone, I can't bear to tell them about Bing, what should I do?"

Host looked at Google, and as usual, his face held no emotion, but Google could have sworn that he seemed a bit scared. "The Host can try looking for Bing, if Google wishes. He also assures Google that perhaps Bing went back to the airport to look for more evidence, or perhaps he chose to spend a day at the skating park again, who knows. If the Host can't look for him, then he'll tell Dark privately. Google shouldn't stress over this."

"Thank you, Host, but if you could, avoid telling Dark altogether. I don't want to be another reason they're worried, please," The android begged as he slowly walked away.

Host waited for Google to leave before turning his focus towards Bing. If whoever has Illinois and Yancy took Bing as well, then he'd have no issue seeing whoever did this. He didn't know the two heist egos, but the narrator does know Bing. All he needed was focus and some quiet.

For both, Host opted to close the door, but he turned against that decision. If things were too wrong, he wanted someone who could help and guide him in case he ends up lost and looking into another plane of existence. Someone he knew well, and soon, he knew just the person to speak to.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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