Chapter 5: 6th year

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September 1st 1996 couldn't have come any slower for Apollo but he was both glad to be back and shared to be back. On one hand, he was finally away from his father and gets to spend the year with his boyfriends. On the other hand, he was now part of the group that wants to kill one of his boyfriends and he has to kill the guy he had a deal with. If Dumbledore dies, who will protect Cassie if Apollo can't? This year was going be hectic.

Before getting on the train, Apollo and Draco were reminded of their missions. Apollo ignored that though and quickly got on the train. He sent Cassie off to her friends cabin, wishing her well, before dragging Draco off to the boys bathroom. "Give me your arm. I need to put the glamour on now. Its easier than doing it on the train" Apollo demanded as his got his wand out. "But you said it yourself, i won't be able fo hold a strong enough glamour for more than five minutes" Apollo rolls his eyes. "Thats why i am doing to spell. I can hold it" he said before he started hissing at Draco's arm. "What? No. You won't be able to cover your own mark" he tried to pull his arm back H but it was too late, Apollo was holding up a glamour on Draco's arm. "What are you goi-  are those bandages?' Draco watched as Apollo tightly wrapped bandags tightly around the dark mark, almost cutting off circulation. "I said i would protect you. Now come on" Apollo said before walking off to the slytherin compartments. 

Once at the slytherin compartments, Draco and Apollo sat down with Blaise and Pansy who didn't dare say anything with the loom apollo was giving everyone. They four sat in silence all the way to Hogwarts. 

Once the train stopped, Draco and Apollo stayed behind as everyone got off the train. All of a sudden Harry appeared on the floor, like he had fallen. "What are you doing here potter?" Draco said, smiling slightly. "Can't i come visit my boyfriend's?" Harry said, smirking. Apollo quickly pulls him up and into a kiss. "I would never say no to that, '' he joked. Draco kissed Harry as well.   "What's the real reason you are here?" Draco asked.  "To see you two, '' Harry replied. He was clearly lying but Draco and Apollo dropped it, happy to see their boyfriend for the first time in months. "Come on lovebirds" the three snap their heads to the door to see Cassie standing there. "Cassie!" Cassie laughs and runs off with Apollo chasing after her. 

As classes started up, Draco started on his mission. Apollo helped him of course. At first they carried on researching where the cupboard might be and how to kill Dumbledore. Apollo of course was also researching contours to the ways of killing Dumbledore. By the middle of October, Draco worked out the cupboard was in the room of requirements. So now he just needed to make it work.

Apollo of course kept Dumbledore posted on everything.

Draco's first attempt to kill Dumbledore happened in December 1996. Draco cursed a necklace and spelled Madam Rosmerta with the Imperius Curse. Rosmerta placed the imperius curse on Katie Bell to take a package (with the necklace) to Dumbledore. But Apollo couldn't let that happen. He tried and failed to get the curse off the necklace but the next thing he knows, Katie was cursed by the necklace herself. Guess the spell went wrong. 

Over the Christmas holidays, Draco and Apollo were forced to stay at Hogwarts to make sure the cupboard was complete. But Apollo had a different problem to deal with when everyone came back from their Christmas holidays. 

Over the holiday, Pansy Parkinson had found something out about a 5th year girl called Max Owlgreens. Max is a muggleborn hufflepuff. Everyone knew that. The clues were everywhere. But Pansy found out something else about this girl and Pansy was being horrible about it. She was bullying the poor girl for it and was telling everyone. Max wasn't even 16 yet. It only took a week or so for Apollo to have enough of Pansy's attitude and he snapped at her for it in front of everyone. 

"Ohh you going go home and cry to your mama? Oh wait you don't have home amd your mum never wanted you. Ypu are a homeless freak. HOMELESS FREAK! AWW you're crying. Shut freak. Homeless mudbloods don't belong here. Go back to the str-"

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