I think I'm falling for you

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Brooke opened her eyes to see that Mathew was still holding her. Just felling his arms around her was comforting for some reason.

He was still asleep and she couldn't help but smile at him. He looked so peaceful, and she felt as if she could stay like this forever.

The way that he held her was so proactively. Something inside of her was wanting si badly to just kiss him, but She knew that she had to met Brianna at the police station soon.

She tried to pull away from Mathews arms but he just pulled her back into to his firm chest. Brooke took a dreep breath then she said "Mathew I need to get up I have to get ready to met Brianna." Nothing! Mathew didn't even move, so shook him a little and tryed again.

"Mat I need to get up" now she really did need to get up Because her pee wasn't going to wait much longer.

Mathew mumbled something that she couldn't quite hear. Then he finally opened his eyes "are you ok" was the first thing he said. She had to admit she was starting to fall for him,more than she would like to admit.

"Yeah I'll be ok, I just need to go meet Brianna at Police station" Brooke said Then she added "and I really need to use the bathroom" He finally let go of her and she went straight to the bathroom so she could get ready.

When she was done getting ready,she gave herself one last look at herself. She noticed something was different with her eye's they were a shade lighter.

At first she was getting panicked but Then she started thinking about the lightning in her bathroom and how she just woke up, but fir some reason sge couldn't stop thinking about Mathew. Did he have somthing to do with her eye's changing colour?

She looked away what was wrong with her why couldn't she tell Mathew how much she was hurting. she could tell how much he cared for her.

Even though she didn't understand exactly what was going on between them. She knew that he would be there for her and she knew that she would let him.

After she was done she went back out to her room to see that Mathew had already showered and was waiting for her to get done. "I thought that I should walk you to your car incase Roy came back last night"

Mathew knew that Roy hadn't indeed came back last night. Because he had called his bata and had him put a goup of his men together to portal the house last night before he had came to check on brooke.

His wolf was so eager to find Roy and ripe him to shreds to keep there mate safe, that he didn't even Fall asleep until about a hour ago.

Mathew just didn't want to leave Brooke he knew she wasnt okay. He wanted to be there for her and He would be even if he had to shift and follow her to meet Brianna he was not going to leave her side again.

Brooke thought for a moment she really didn't want to be alone."Mathew thank you for. . Everything,and thank you for staying with me last night and um.. i know that you probably have plans but would you go with me to met Brianna."

She knew that Mathew wouldn't let anyone hurt her she didn't understand why she felt so attached to him but she knew that she didn't want to be without him. "I would love to go with you and brooke I will always be here for you."

why did he just say that? And why did she want so badly for it to be true.

(At the police station)

"Sorry I'm late Mathew had to stop at his office to make sure everything was running smoothly" Brooke said as she walked over to Brianna. The police station looked different but Brooke couldn't quite understand why but something was off about this whole place.

"It's okay I'm just waiting for someone to take a final look at the will and Then they said that they will send someone over to the house to remove dad off of the primaries."Brianna said.

Brooke took notice of how tied bre looked so she was going to suggest that she stay at the house with us but Mathew soke up first."Roy didn't come back last night."

Brooke and Brianna looked at each other but didn't linger on the subject to long they just thought that he was probably out with someone wasting his money. Mathew on the other hand was worried he wanted to keep brooke safe and having Roy still around just wasn't making him feel any better.

(I hope you guys like this update and im sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been extremely busy but I promise I will try to update this story more. ♥♡♥)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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