Are You Going To Die

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Roman's POV

"Guys! What do you want for lunch?!" I yelled. They came in.

"Chicken!" Dean yelled

"French Fries too!" Seth yelled

"Oh and ta-tor-tots!" Kitty yelled

"Make that BBQ chicken!" Kaz yelled.

"Also, you home make it!" Gimma yelled.

"Yeah!" They all yelled. I laughed nodding my head.

"Fine, I'm going to the store. I shall be back." With that I left. I decided to walk, it's not that far. I started walking until I realized that I didn't have my wallet. I walked back.

"I'm home......with no food!" I yelled laughing.

"Why don't you have food?" Dean asked.

"Well, I can't buy food without my wallet." I explained and laughed, I grabbed my wallet. I waved it in the air, in thier face and left. I went outside and leaned back on the pole, checking to see if I have everything. Once I was done, I looked up and got hit by a truck! Through the pole! Then a bench! Then I hit the ground hard!

"Use my phone and called my family......" I mumbled weakly, before I was out.

Dean's POV

We heard something outside, but left it. My phone rang, it had Roman's picture popped up.

Phone conversation
"Roman" Dean


Hello, this is The Southern Hospital(made it up) the one close to your house.

Yes, but why are you calling me?

You're brother has been in a severe car accident.

Is he going to be ok?

Right now, we really don't know. He has lost a lot of blood, and it is hard to keep him stable.

Ok, and how did you know to call me?

One of the people said he said to before he was out.

Ok, when can we see him?

Whenever you would like, he is still not stable, and he has not woken up.

Ok, thank you.

No problem, bye


We hung up the phone. Oh my gosh! That is what the sound was outside! Roman got hit! I need to tell the family.

"Guys! I'm afraid I've got some bad news!" They came running over.

"What's wrong?" Seth asked.

"It's Roman, he's in the hospital!" I said.

"Why? How?" They asked.

"You know that sound we heared?" I asked they nodded.

"Well that was Roman......He got hit." I said. Gimma and Kitty started to cry.

"No, no, no, no, please don't cry." Kaz begged but it was too late, he started to cry.

"Come on lets go see him." Seth said, and we nodded.

Skip, skip, skip

We walked in the room, and Roman was hooked up to the tubes. I noticed that he didn't have the blood one. The nurse came in.

"Where is the blood, he lost a lot of blood." I asked.

"I'm sorry, if we don't get his blood type soon, then we can't keep him stable." She said.

"What does that mean?" Kitty asked.

"It means they can't keep him alive." Kaz whispered to her.

"No! Test me! Please, we have to keep him with us! I can't lose him yet!" Kitty yelled. The nurse looked at us, we nodded.

"Come with me." They left.

1 minute later

"Sorry it us not the right blood type." She told us.

"My turn!" Kaz and Gim said.

"Come on."

2 minutes later

"Sorry." She said.

"Come on." She and Seth left.

1 minutes later

"Still nothing." She says.

"It's now or never." I say we left.

1 minute later

"You guys are very lucky, that he had the same blood type. Are you willing to give 2 pints of blood?" She asked.

"Yes, anything." I say.

5 minutes later

"Ok, we still don't know if he will survive, but this will give him a chance." Just then the line when dead.(the long beep) everyone rushed in as we stood back watching helplessly. The kids turned and looked at us.

"Dean?" Gimma asked.

"Seth?" Kitty asked.

"Is he going to die?" Kazleon asked. Seth and looked at each other.

We don't know...............

Hey I haven't updated so, here is a double update.




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