Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Testing the limit

Looking at the thick forest Infront of him, he could feel a thin yet visible dread.

A feeling very bizzare to him who once reside on earth, it's similar to entering a haunted house. Yet it stick deeper.

His subconscious is telling him to walk away from the forest.


How could he waste such an opportunity to test the grimm in his inventory?

Of course the danger of grimm territory is extremely vast for an ordinary person, much worst for him that doesn't have an aura.

The threat of grimms to the ordinary  civilian of remnants, isn't based on how strong they are. But by how corrosive they are to the emotion of an untrained human.

All grimm have the ability to passively emit negativity.

Hate, disgust, fear, sorrow, etc

albeit while some are unnoticeable and needed large mass to even affect infant. Some like the Apathy trade off all their physical combat prowess for a very strong negative emitting aura to the point a person's entire personality decayed down until nothing but a hollow corpse are left.

Strangely despite the large commotion back at the village about the increasing grimm surge.

The seemingly gloomy aura is strangely...


His expression reveal curiosity, and large amount of vigilance.

Using a bit of questioning, he discover certain amount of information about the surrounding grimm territory from inside the villages.

It's strange that there seems to be no report of grimm attacking the village, not even a single wild Beowolf tried to take his luck against the village.

this is the strangest aspect he found from what he gathered. Grimm may not be smart even arguably dumber than an infant, However they follow their instinct and like animal follow simple rule.

1. They understand the primal concept of territory.

2. Grimm will avoid stronger Grimm unless theres certain condition.

The fact that no Grimm is willing to attack the village is strange, however such aspect is currently below him at the moment.

whether or not theres something wrong with the village is a problem for later.

"of course the fact the village currently has no Huntsman to protect it is still a large problem."

shrugging aside the thought for now, he activated his semblance.

[Summoning grimm]
[summoned "Nevermore"]

a large floating liquid of darkness appear beside him as a black wing started pushing its way out of the large patch of darkness.

a giant bird towering in size, similar in form to a raven yet having the size that could put large bird such as the great eagle to shame.

Its black feather covered body towered even him in size, and the white mask with red marking snap him back to reality.

this is not an Animal. this is a monster that wouldn't have problem tearing ordinary human like him to shred, The only different between this nevermore than the rest is that it was fully tamed via the system and his semblance.

he could feel a mental string forming between him and the large nevermore infront of him, despite the nevermore looking at him with a blank look waiting for order, it... somewhat look adorable no different from those tiny ravens he often see during his life back on earth.

of course he constantly have to keep reminding his self of the nature of the large raven like beast infront of him.

feeling the mental string he decided to experiment for a while.

at least before he enter the vast forest filled with creature no different from a killing machine, its much more comforting to understand his limitation and what he could do.

looking around, he see a small wooden truck the length of his arm.

feeling a lightbulb appearing on his head, he immediately started theorizing how to use the mental string.


during the night, he discovered three list on the usage of the mental string.

First, he can alter the size of the mental string to be much thicker or thinner, which can alter his command. He's not entirely sure the purpose of doing so, however he could see how doing so alter both the speed and structure of his command.

Second, He could add more mental string to a certain grimm which allow a much clearer command between him and his grimm. However it is much more taxing to him and the moment he started adding more than five and his sanity meter started to take a hit.

Third, if his mental string snap the grimm wont get desummoned however he no longer have any control over the grimm, yet it still doesn't have any intent to harm him. thankfully.


[Desummoning Grimm]

[Nevermore have been returned to your inventory]


So far the test has satisfied him and with the complete understanding of the structure of command under his belt.

His sanity so far despite taking some blow is still high in the 70.

a sane person would rest for a moment before finishing their task, however he is becoming impatient due to the decreasing sanity.

Of course he already went so far, so shouldn't he have some fun or at least gain something?


[Summoning Grimm]

[Summoned "Giant Nevermore"]

[Warning! Sanity dropped 15%]

[Remaining sanity: 59%]

[Your mind is slowly shrouded with Madness]


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