Chapter 28

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You walk towards the door and look through the peep hole to see a young woman standing on the other side. She seems uncomfortable just standing in the doorway.

You look back at the hallway Kahlan walked down. It's probably not a good idea to bother her right now.

With a deep breath in, you open the door. "Hello." You say once you do.

"Oh! Uhm... Hi! Do you know where Kahlan is?" The woman asks.

"She's in her room bawling her eyes out. Did you need something?" You ask.

"Uhm... Yeah. I do. Do you think I can talk to her?"

"I mean... I could try? Give me a second." You say before shutting the door.

You turn around at look at 049, before shrugging and walking towards the hallway.

You stop infront of her door. You can still hear her quiet sobs from the other side.

With a sigh, you knock. The sobs stop before you hear footsteps to the door before it opens, revealing Kahlan with pink eyes and a puffy face. "Do you need something?" She asks.

"Well, I don't, but there's someone at the front door that wants to talk to you." You say.

Confusion strikes through her sad face before she steps past you. You follow her down the hallway and to the front door, to which she opens.

"Heather." Kahlan says in suprise. "What do you need?" She rubs her eye.

"Uhm... The- the town is gathering in the square. And everyone is supposed to report there." Heather says.

Kahlan's eyes widen. "This hasn't happened since..."

Heather nods. "It's... Mark this time." She says before she walks off.

Kahlan stands there for a second before closing the door. "You guys have to come with me."

Before you could even ask why, she answers your question for you.

"They search people's houses when things like this happen. Them finding you two is worse than you guys coming with me."

"But what ever would happen if we stayed here?" 049 asks, tilting his head.

Kahlan looks at him. "I don't know. And I would rather not find out. Just please, follow me." She says before she opens the front door again and leaves.

You both look at each other before you follow Kahlan.

You look down the road to see Kahlan and two other people walking towards a bunch of people in a circle. You two are quick to follow, eventually catching up.

You are just able to hear, "I'm sorry for your loss..." Kahlan says.

Now that you're next to them, you see that the two other people seems to be an older couple, helping each other walk down the road. Both of their faces are wet from tears. They must be Mark's parrents.

Kahlan lowers her head and starts walking faster, making sure you two were behind her before so.

You both lag behind, seeming as 049 has something to say. "It's stronger here..." He mumbles.

The pestilence. You get ready incase he runs off. You just hum. "Just try to ignore it." You whisper back, seeing Kahlan join the circle.

You join in next to her, 049 being between you two and you being next to someone you don't know.

You look towards the center.

A person stands alone. The sheriff. You could tell by the police belt he has around his waist.

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now