Confession ~ Jamie Drysdale

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Y/n's pov:
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I returned home late, noticeably intoxicated, navigating through my shared condo with unsteady steps and colliding into walls with the strong smell of alcohol on my breath. As I stumbled, i briefly notice Jamies presence before stumbling into him. "Are you okay?" He whispers, voice tingled with concern as he steadies me with a hand. "Where have you been?" Jamie says while observing my condition. "I'm ok, I was out with the girls." I held onto his arm tightly, regaining my balance. "You're not fine." Jamie responds, the concern evident in his voice. I can see the genuine worry in his eyes as he observes me for a moment.
"You're drunk." He states bluntly, not intending to upset me but I can tell he's upset. "And don't think I don't notice the alcohol on your breath either." "So I had 4 drinks, whatever I'm not that drunk." Jamie groaned at my denial, sighing while rolling his eyes. I can tell hes a bit frustrated with me, as he speaks again. "Look, just let me take you to bed, alright? And we'll deal with this later." "Ooo to bed already? I like the way you think." I winked at him but only got a weird look back. "Don't make this weird, your in no shape to..." he sighs, slightly pushing me up the stairs. "You're drunk, you need to sleep it off." "Ugh your no fun." I rolled my eyes, dragging myself up the stairs."
Jamie couldn't help but laugh not expecting my response. I thought I got him but his smile quickly changed to a frown. "Look I'm being serious. You can't be doing this every night." His tone is stern and tough. "Hows your mom?" Jamie's expression immediately softens at the mention of his mom. "She's doing ok. She misses you." He replies in a quieter tone and looks down then at me. "Well I miss her too, she's an amazing mother and an amazing cook!" Jamie only laughs helping me go up the stairs. As we got to my room, I couldn't help but feel a shiver go down my back. "Now come on, let's get you into bed." Something about being alone right now didn't feel right.
"Noo, I want to be with you." Jamie blinks, taken back. The look on his face is one of confusion. "What?" He says, eyes darting towards me, searching for a hint of sarcasm or any other explanation for my words. "What do you mean, 'be with me" he finally says, speaking softly once more. "Yes I want you to hold me and love me the way I love you. You're so blind, I've been in love with you ever since we met!" Jamie goes completely still as I speak. His head turned to face me and his expression shifting from one of confusion to one of shock. "Y/n..." He replies softly "what are you saying?" For a moment Jamie just stands there, completely frozen, trying to process what I just said.
After a moment, he looks back at me eyes wide. "" He stutters not sure how to reply. "You love me?" He asks in disbelief. "Yes I do silly, now take me to bed I'm tired." I reach out for him to carry me. Jamie just stares at me, completely lost for words. Yet this time he is smiling. "Are you serious?" He replies eyes wide. I tried to change the subject in case he were to reject me. I can't handle that. "Yes I'm serious Jamie. Shit half of Anaheim thinks your hot." Jamie's face turns bright red as he hears my remark. "This is..." He is still trying to process the situation, trying to form a reply. He stands in front of me with a loss for words. "Is this real?" "Yes Jamie it is, but I'm tired so can you please take me to bed." Jamie notices my drowsiness in my voice and walks closer to me.
"Of course, here let me carry you." He lifts me in his arms like a bride, as he always likes to do playfully. He's smiling at me as he carries me to my room. As he sets me down, he kisses my forehead, to show love and affection. "Mmm thank you Jamie. I love you." Jamie blushes as he places me in my bed. He makes his way to my door and turns back. "I love you too, y/n." He replies, his eyes warm as he gazes at me. He gives me one last look before closing the door. Looking up at the ceiling, I reflected on what I told Jamie. I could feel myself sobering up, I'm not sure if I regret what I said or if I would've told him sober either. It's been a couple minutes and I was getting cold. I got up and made my way to his room. I knocked hoping he was still awake.
   "Come on in, Y/n." "I'm cold." Jamie sits up in his bed and looks at me with a confused look. "Y/n, what are you doing up at this time?" His voice filled with concern. "And why don't you have a blanket or any warmer clothes on?" He asks as he notices my shorts and tank top. "Can you hug me?" Jamie gives me a comforting smile as he replies. "Of course I can, come here." He pulls me into him as I rest my head on his chest. I can hear Jamie's heart skip a beat and I wonder if it's for the same reason my heart is racing. "Did I tell you how much I love you?" I decided to break the silence, bringing up our conversation from earlier. Jamie just smiles back at me. "Well, you didn't need to." He responds. "But thank you. I love you too y/n."
I can feel Jamie squeeze me tighter and pull me closer. "But I love love you. I'm in love with you." Jamie is taken back by my words. "You do?" He replies, his eyes wide with surprise as he looks down at me. "But... really? You love me? Just like that?" He asks me and I can hear the quivering in his voice. "You don't like me back huh? I'm sorry I overstepped." I got up off Jamie and made my way to the door. "Wait! No!" Jamie says softly. He rushes forward to grab me and stops before I reached the door. "Y/n...I do love you back. I just didn't want to get my hopes up. I can't believe that you feel the same for me." He smiles at me and leans in closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
   "Please don't go, stay here with me." Jamie gives me his puppy eyes and pulls me closer to him. "Are you sure? Because I'm actually in love with you!" "I'm absolutely sure!" He replies confidently, still looking at me. "I've felt this way for a long time, I just couldn't work up the courage to tell you. I always thought that you wouldn't see me that way. But now that you feel the same way, I can't let you go." He continues, seeming to have thought this out. I can't help but get a wave of emotion as he speaks. I kept eye contact with him and leaned in closer. He leaned in and connected our lips, into a kiss. Jamie's sweet gentle lips pressed against mine only made me love him more.
   Jamie was completely thrown off after the kiss and still had his eyes shut but with a smile on his face. "Wow I waited to long for this." He opens his eyes and looks down at me. My words made him blush as he responds. "Yeah you did." Jamie smiles lovingly at me, his arms hugging me tightly against him. He doesn't seem bothered to move at all, keeping us close. "I-you-we-fuck." He tries to speak but leans into another kiss instead. We pull away for air and I kept my arms around his neck. "Mm don't let go of me." I hugged him and nuzzling my face into his neck, peppering kissed down his neck.
   Jamie keeps his arms around me and leans in closer to give me more room on his neck. He closes his eyes as I continued to kiss his neck, trying to leave marks. "How about we go to bed? Were obviously still tired." I lean back and press my forehead against his, "yeah I am tired." Jamie picks me up in his arms and carries me to my room. As we enter my room, he sets me down on my bed and helped me get under the covers. He removed his shirt and slid into bed next to me. "Goodnight Jamie." "Goodnight, y/n." He responds, his voice full of fondness. He leans in and kisses my forehead, wrapping his arms around my waist.
   As I'm sleeping against Jamie, I feel him kiss me gently before I feel him rest his head against the pillow. "Goodnight beautiful." I smile to myself and later on drift off to sleep. I slowly open my eyes and meet Jamie's. His face was lit by a ray of light coming from my window. I'm still sleepy yet I couldn't help but smile back at Jamie. I sat up and looked at Jamie, who was shirtless in front of me and had bed hair. "Damn I knew we just woke up but I want to fuck you so bad." Taken back by my own words, I slap my hand on my mouth. "I'm sorry!" "Oh...well maybe you should've kept your thoughts to yourself." He replies nonchalantly, his voice full of humor.
   "Oh ok, whatever I meant it." Jamie raises an eyebrow and chuckles. He leans in towards me and lightly brushes his lips against mine. I've always wanted this with Jamie and now that I have it, it seems surreal. The feeling of his sweet lips on mine again is so good. "So is that a yes or..?" "Mmm, that's definitely a yes." Jamie replies so calmly, eyes still on my lips. His eyes are full of lust and desire, as his hand goes behind my neck pulling me closer to him. "I need you so bad, Y/n. I always have." He whispers softly against my lips, his voice filled with passion and neediness. "Show me how bad you need me."
   My words seem to be the push Jamie needed because he pulls in closer and kisses me deeply, his tongue exploring my lips. My heart races as my lips are against Jamie's, the kiss deepening. I begin to run my hands over Jamie's arms, feeling his muscles. I pressed myself closer to him, signaling I want more. He pulls back and caresses my cheek, looking into my eyes. "Mm I love you so much and I want to show you how much I do." I kiss him back and lightly tug at his bottom lip. Jamie moans and pulls away to kiss down my neck, my chest and kissing my jawline, teasing me. "Jamie stop teasing, just fuck me already!"
   "Hmm is that what you want?" He replies, as he continues to nibble at my neck. He gently traces circles on my thighs with his fingers, continuing to tease me. "Yes Jamie please!" He immediately moved off my neck and kissed my lips again. Things start to heat up as he begins to push me back onto my bed and lays on top of me, pinning my arms above my head. He looks down at me with lust and lightly caresses my jaw. He leans in and kisses me again passionately. Jamie begins to move his hands around my body, going underneath my clothing and removing them gently.
   Just as Jamie was about to remove my bra, my phone starts to ring. "Ugh who the fuck?" I reached over and picked it up seeing Cams name. "Hello?" "Y/n did you get home ok? You didn't answer my texts so I got worried." I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Yeah I'm ok Cam I got home safe, so you don't have to worry at all." "Ok good." We hung up and I looked at Jamie laughing. "He was asking if I got home ok because he was at the club too. The girls and I were dancing and I bumped into him, and we started laughing. It was funny cause I didn't expect to see him there." Jamie smiled and got off of me, laying down beside me.
   "So are we official?" I turn over and mess with his hair. "If you want to be." He nods and leans in for another kiss. It was quick but lovingly. "So that's a yes for sure." He laughs and pulls me closer into him. "Who's telling Cam?" "NOT IT!" I put my finger on my nose immediately and laugh at Jamie's face of confusion. "Thats not fair! Why do I have to tell him!" "Tell me what?" We both jump up and turn to see Cam standing in my doorway. "WOAH!" He pointed back and forth between me and Jamie, mouth wide open in shock. "Surprise!" Cam looked at me and smirked. "Is it big?" "Get out!" Jamie threw a pillow at him and he backed up. "Ok ok I'm sorry but you guys are gonna have to explain everything!"
   Cam closed the door behind him and I hid my face in Jamie's chest. "It is big though." I laughed and looked up to see Jamie blushing. "So does my girlfriend want breakfast?" "Yes she does, only if her boyfriend will make her something!" He smiles and leans down to kiss me. "Anything you want, love." "Mmm pancakes!" Jamie got up and put a shirt on walking out of my room. "With strawberries!" "Ok!" Jamie yelled back from down the hallway and I got up, walking to my restroom. I brushed my teeth and my hair, staring at myself in the mirror thinking. "My man my man." I smile and walk towards the kitchen, smiling to myself seeing my now boyfriend making breakfast.

I'm calling it! Cam York and Jamie are gonna be friends! I've seen them walking together in some pictures that the flyers page have posted and it's cannon. They just seem chill together and they are on the same line together.🤷‍♀️idk but he won't replace Trevor cause no one ever will.🤨

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