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Tsukishima Kei was everything that Yamaguchi Tadashi had envied about others. He was tall, smart, independent, pretty and care-free. That's why, when he found himself becoming his best friend he knew that he would pay attention to him the most out of everyone. To him, there was nobody better than Tsukishima.

"You know, your jump float serves are really improving. Even Shiratorizawa didn't know you could steal so many points just by yourself."
"Thank you, Tsukki. Your blocks were the best, though. I never really knew that you could read block."

Tsukishima gave out a small chuckle. "I suppose you're right.  Without your pep talk, I doubt I would have cared that much about the match. When I hurt my hand, I hated being in the infirmary with Kiyoko and Akiteru. All I wanted to do was play. You really did get cool, Tadashi."
"How is your hand, Tsukki? It still doesn't hurt, does it?"

Yamaguchi gently grasped Tsukishima's right hand as he inspected it as much as he could whilst it was still bandaged. Tsukishima looked away, not wanting Yamaguchi to potentially look up and see him all flustered from their hand contact. "A little, it's just a small cut. I wouldn't worry about it."
"Alright Team! Let's load our stuff onto the coach and go back to Karasuno." Coach Ukai ordered.

The freckled boy lifted up both his and Tsukishima's duffle bags. "Hey, Tadashi, I can carry my own bag, you know." He sighed. "Sorry, Tsukki. I'm not letting you use your hand. The nurse said you need to rest it after the match, didn't she?"
"Tch, maybe."
"See, Tsukki. I'll  meet you on the coach, I'll only be a minute."

Tsukishima briefly smiled at Yamaguchi who returned it with a big grin. That grin of his always melted Tsukishima's heart, it's all he ever wanted to see. He had known for a few years now that he liked Yamaguchi in a romantic way, but planned to keep that to himself in fear of rejection. To him, if he lost Yamaguchi he had lost everything. "Yeah, I'll see you up there." He walked off without another word as Yamaguchi slung the duffels over his shoulder for more support.

He caught up with Tsukishima relatively quickly, seating himself beside the blonde who already had his headphones in. "Do you think we made it on the news?" Yamaguchi pondered. "I would assume so. Akiteru basically begged my mom to record it when it aired, so we can watch you play when you're next over."
"Thanks, Tsukki! I want to see your introduction. When she called out your name and volleyball number I was so happy for you."
"Yeah. I really needed to sneeze at that point, it was a little embarrassing having to hold it in."

Once more, that perfect grin of Yamaguchi's came out, his eyes forming the cutest of wrinkles as each crevice showed sheer joy. "Well, I'm glad you didn't sneeze, Tsukki!" The coach finally began moving and the coaches talked amongst themselves, so proud of what their team had managed to accomplish.

Yamaguchi was the first one to fall asleep and he used Tsukishima's shoulder as a pillow. Tsukishima carefully positioned him against his shoulder more so that he wouldn't slip off before placing his hand back onto his leg. Yamaguchi's hand rested slightly on top of his and he could feel Yamaguchi's fingers twitching every once in a while. He sat there in comfort before deciding it would be best if he slept, too, feeling the fatigue catching up with him.

When he woke up, Yamaguchi was already departing the bus to grab their belongings and he sat there realising how empty his hand had now felt, it was lighter than he had expected and it made him want that balance back. "Is everything OK, Tsukishima? You seem a little down."
"Yeah, just thinking about something. Thanks, Daichi."
"I see. You played well today. Rest up."

Tsukishima made his way to his best friend. "Sorry, Tsukki. I sort of drooled on your shoulder a little."
"It's fine, Tadashi. I'm glad you slept well."
"It was a good nap. I didn't get in your way, though, did I?"
"Of course not. You should sleep on my shoulder more if it gives you a good rest."

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