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Yamaguchi parted ways from Tsukishima as it got late. His walk home was silent, dimly lit by the street lights to guide him in the right direction. His hands were clammy and his mind was racing with so many thoughts about Tsukishima and about Yachi.

Why couldn't he just block out how Tsukishima made him feel? Wouldn't it be so much easier to just be with Yachi and pretend like he might not have a huge crush on his best friend?

He decided to call Yachi and ask if she was busy. When she said no, they mutually agreed to meet. He walked over to her apartment complex and she greeted him at the door. "Hi!" Her smile could light up the whole world. "Can we watch something? I'm pretty bored."

The two sat on the sofa as they settled on watching Kiki's Delivery Service. Neither of them spoke, so Yamaguchi decided to try and break the tension by bringing her into an embrace just like Tsukishima did to him earlier.


Absolutely nothing.

Yamaguchi felt absolutetly nothing.

He had anticipated this, it shouldn't have been a shock to him. It felt as if a numbness completely surrounded him, shutting out any romantic feelings. Even the air around him felt more familiar to him than the embrace.

Yachi shuffled away, causing Yamaguchi to flinch back. "Yachi?" He asked softly. "Yamaguchi..." She mumbled. "Can i be honest with you?"

Excitement filled him rather than dread or fear over a breakup. He regretted even asking her out and wasn't sure why he tried to convince himself and Tsukishima that he even liked her romamtically. She was just a cherished friend of his and that would never change.

"I'm on my period. If you were thinking of, well... I mean, we're watching a movie and cuddling-"

God. Fucking. Damn. It.

"Oh, I wasn't planning on that. I just wanted to feel what it was like to cuddle you."
"Oh. OK. I like it, so you can continue if you want."

So he did just that, bring her to his side and make her feel happy while he felt hollow. She giggled happily at the movie and snuggled up to him more.

Yamaguchi sat there in complete silence, blaming himself for continuing to lead her on when he could be honest and tell her the truth. It was still early enough in the relationship to, so why wouldn't his lips say what he wanted to?

About halfway through, she sat up to get a glass of water and gave him a quick peck on the lips. At this point, he had become adjusted to the lack of interest he had for her and just gave a weak smile. "How did your tutoring go, by the way?" Yamaguchi asked. "Good. We went over some parts of their literature, today. You know, they're actually beginning to understand books."

Yamaguchi laughed. "Really? That wasn't on my bingo for this year."
"Yeah, I swear! We were reading Romeo and Juliet and we discussed their writing style and the huge confession scene."

The two smiled. "I bet Kageyama compared it to volleyball."
"Nope. Milk."
"Milk? Seriously?"

Yamaguchi laughed even more than before, these were the moments he loved. Where he could talk to Yachi and feel no more obligation than to spend a few hours with her until he had to be elsewhere. "And what about Hinata?"
"I don't know. He said it was romantic to pursue someone you know is out of reach."
"Maybe he's comparing it to the Little Giant."

Yachi nods. "Yeah. I was confused by what he meant. Oh well, as long as he passes his exams I'll be happy." She seemed positive that he would pass his next set of exams and continued talking to Yamaguchi.

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