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The two boys entered the warmth of Tsukishima's bedroom. "Right, tell me the whole story." Tsukishima demanded, leaning back on his bed. "I was just hanging out with Yachi, watching stuff on YouTube and talking. Mainly just about her tutoring Hinata and Kageyama and me watching the match with you."

Tsukishima gestured for him to continue. "I was getting water and then the door knocked. Hinata was there with a bouquet of flowers and said he was inspired by their talks of Romeo and Juliet."
"How fucking cringe."

Yamaguchi laughed in agreement, shuffling so he was supporting himself on his right arm and faced Tsukishima. "He was all like, I know you're dating Yamaguchi but I waited ages to confess to you. I like you a lot. I won't be mad if you choose him but I'm asking you to be my girlfriend. It was fucking wild, Tsukki."

Tsukishima chuckled and Yamaguchi fell so hard for that amused expression Tsukishima had. It was so gentle, yet was enough to make him swoon the way he saw Tsukishima's face light up. "Sorry, how did you not laugh at him? He's so dramatic."

Yamaguchi pressed on with the story. "Yachi basically admitted she liked him a lot too, so I said for them two to date if there was chemistry. Her and I were just testing to see how things went, but I never felt any different around her. In fact, I was looking for a way to end the relationship."

The last part of the story was unexpected. "Wait, you didn't even like Yachi?"
"I thought I did. When we held hands or kissed I felt nothing. I tried to cuddle her today to see if it was just nerves, but even with that and her giving me a quick kiss I didn't feel excited or happy."

Tsukishima focused a bit more on their topic at hand. "Maybe it was just meant to be and you mistook comfort for it feeling different? You told me you liked the kiss when you told me you got together."

Yamaguchi averted his gaze to the wall. "I lied about that. I just wanted myself to believe that I didn't make a mistake, but I know it wasn't comfort. I know what it's like to feel comfort or excitement holding hands or cuddling, but with her there was no chemistry."

"You're confusing me, here. If there's someone else you're close with who makes you comfortable, why didn't you go to her instead and save yourself all of his hassle?"
"That's the complicated part."
"How is it complicated?"

Tsukishima appeared slightly angry at Yamaguchi at that point. "Well, it was only recently that it even happened. And..."

Yamaguchi remained silent. He got ahead of himself and now he was on the deep end of revealing he might be interested in men. "We'll go back to that part later. What are you going to do, now? If you ask my opinion, you should admit that dating Yachi was a dumb decision and try and pursue the other girl."

Yet again, Yamaguchi spoke before his brain caught up with him. "The other girl?"
"For fuck sake, Tadashi. The one you cuddled and held hands with and ACTUALLY felt something from? You already forgot about her?"
"No, I didn't forget..."
"Then what is it stopping you? Shouldn't you at least give it a try?"

Yamaguchi's hands went clammy and he felt a sick feeling in his throat. "You really think I should give it a try?"
"Yeah, it would be stupid not to, Tadashi."

Acting purely on instinct, Yamaguchi placed his lips against Tsukishima's. He almost considered it the biggest mistake of his life until Tsukishima kissed him back, connecting all the dots in his head.

Yamaguchi felt like his head was cloudy, but in a good way. It was as if all his senses were heightened and that the kiss sparked something in his body. Tsukishima kept on kissing him and it was as if he was going to melt on the spot there and then.

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