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A/N: Hopefully Joes calf is alright after yesterdays game🫣. Anyway make sure you read the A/N at the end of the story.

Jane felt Joe's body tense when Karleigh and Sam walked in. She squeezed his hand to try and calm his nerves and he seemed to be relaxed but his clenched jaw said otherwise. She felt Joe pull her closer to him and she didn't know if he just wanted to hold her or was he trying to make Karleigh jealous. The room was silent while the four just stared at each other.

"Is Mia in bed?" Karleigh asked.

"Yeah, we put her to bed about half an hour ago," Joe said.

"Okay well it's late we are going to go to bed," she said as she dragged Sam back to her room.

"Well that was awkward," he said with a sigh.

"What part was awkward." She asked wanting to know if it was Karleigh seeing the two of them or Karleigh being with Sam.

"We are both...dat... involved...ya know with each other's friend... how could it not be awkward," he said not knowing what to label the two of them.

"Dating?" she asked looking up at him.

"Well, I mean...uh...I didn't mean to be so forward," he said stumbling over his words.

"I like the sound of that." She said confidently.

"Well, you know what people who are dating usually do..." she said looking into her eyes while his finger lifted her chin.

"What?" she asked with a blush on her face.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers trying to be gentle. A rush of emotion and passion surged threw the pair as the kiss became hungry and needy. Joe laid back and pulled Jane on top of him and his hands found their way around her waist one rested on her his and the other slid down towards her ass and gave it a gentle squeeze. The pressure caused her to push her hips into his, she could feel how much he wanted her. Her thoughts started to get the better of her, what was she doing making out with her best friend's ex? The guilt caused her to stop and when she looked up she locked eyes with Karleigh who looked crushed.

"Hey is everything okay?" he asked looking up at her with lust-filled and needy eyes.

"Y-yeah I just um...not tonight. Sorry," she said as she pulled herself away from him.

"Oh okay...uhh sorry I pushed it too far," he said sitting up and fixing his messed up hair.

The sound of the floor creaking beneath Karleigh caused Joe's head to turn in her direction. He quickly understood Jane's reaction and the guilt started to consume him as well. He was conflicted on one hand Karleigh was the woman he loved...or used to love and it crushed him to see her look so heartbroken, especially over him. The argument in his mind continued when he thought about how she had crushed him and how he deserved to be happy... Jane was making him happy...Mia was making him happy... Karleigh being back in his life was making him happy but also bringing up all of those unresolved feelings.

"Don't let me stop you..." Karleigh said knowing she couldn't stand in the way of Joe's happiness. She quickly walked back to her room and shut the door wanting to go back to the blissful happiness she had with Sam.

"Are you ok Joe?" Jane asked.

"I don't know..." He said feeling guilty for the emotions he had.

"You still love her don't you."

"She broke me Jane... it took me a long time to be happy again... I'm happy now you make me happy."

"But when she walks in the feelings come crashing back down on you."


"I like you Joe I really do...I would love to see where things go with you but you two have a kid together and Mia needs parents who can get along. If that means you and I not working out then so be it."

"I felt like a family, Mia and I... I was happy it felt like the life I always wanted."

"But I'm not Mia's mom."

"She didn't want me... I want to be with someone who wants me."

"You don't have to decide now Joe... maybe we shouldn't... until you figure it out but I'm not going anywhere. Even if we just end up as friends."

"Thank you, Jane..."

A/N: Comment to let me know who you think Joe should end up with!

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