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Filler chapter! Sorry for not updating lately I've been super busy!

The next morning

Karleigh woke up to the smell of bacon in the air. She sat up in bed not recognizing where she was for a moment before the memories of last night flooded her mind. A smile made its way onto her face as she climbed out of their... Joe's Bed. As she walked into the kitchen she admired the view of Joe holding Mia and letting her pretend to cook.

"Silly Daddy!" Mia giggled as Joe wiped some butter on her nose.

"Daddy is very silly," Karleigh said. "And daddy is supposed to be resting his calf...."

"Hey I'm fine.." he said then whispered, "I like it when you call me that."

"Perv." she joked.

"Hey not like that!" he laughed. "I just like being a dad and it makes me happy when I get called a dad or daddy," he said trying to keep the conversation innocent.

"Sureeeeee." She rolled her eyes.

"Here you go, Darling." He said as he handed her a plate of pancakes and bacon.

"Thank you, Joey." She blushed. "And thank you, sweetheart." She said as she kissed the top of Mia's head.

Later that afternoon

"Okay, baby I'm going to practice I'll be back around 6. I promise I won't do anything difficult and I will be careful. I just want to be there for moral support." Joey said to Karleigh.

"Joey please please be careful." She begged.

"I will Love," he said as he kissed her and walked out the door.

Karleigh spent the afternoon cleaning up the kitchen and doing the little bit of Mia's laundry that Joe hadn't done yet. She felt at home here with him again. Everything felt so natural with Joey but part of that made her uneasy. It shouldn't be this simple getting back with her Ex especially when they have a kid together and had such a messy breakup. She pushed those thoughts down as she went to put Mia down in her bed for her nap.

There was a knock on the door around 5:55 PM that made Karleigh jump before she cautiously went over to open it. As the door opened she was shocked to find a tall beautiful blonde girl standing in front of her.

"Um Hi... are you the new maid or something? I'm here to see Joe. He told me to come by once I was back in town." she said with a smirk on her face.

"Joey isn't here right now... I can tell him you stopped by," she said timidly.

"When will he be back? I'm sure he can't waaaiiit to see me. You know how men are they can't go very long without it." She said looking Karleigh up and down.

"H-he is at practice right now." She said, the feelings of doubt creeping into her mind.

"Oh well, I'm sure he won't mind if I wait here for him." The woman said pushing the door open further.

"He would mind. We have plans," she said feeling the jealousy rise in her chest.

"You? And Joe? Honey that is so brave of you shooting our shot with him but you are not his type."

"How would you know his type?"

"Honey I have spent so many nights in this apartment....that bed. Trust me I'm his type."

"Yeah well, I think he would disagree."

"Brittney what in the actual fuck are you doing here?" Joe said as he appeared behind the blonde.

"Joey! I missed you," she said as she spun around to throw her hands around him.

"I told you not never fucking come back," he said as he pushed past her. "Hey baby," he said leaning down to kiss Karleigh.

"Hey, honey. Mia is in the living room she's been begging for her daddy all day," she said flashing a smirk towards the woman.

"Joe I thought you just needed time to cool down I missed you. But now you're shacked up with some fat whore and her bastard child? That's.... To think I was gonna give you another chance."

"What did you just call them?" he said with an anger-filled voice.

"Fat whore and bastard."

"That woman is the love of my life. And that child is mine. Now you need to leave and never come back."

The warm just rolled her eyes and walked away after giving Karleigh a nasty glance. Joe slammed the door shut in frustration.

"Who the fuck was that?" Karleigh asked.

"Rebound hookup gone wrong."

"What did she do to piss you off that much."

"Well, she was the first girl I met when I came here and she has just been a casual hookup on and off for years, and one day she found a picture of you in my room with the ring and she trashed my whole apartment."

"You still have the ring?"

"Yeah... I couldn't separate with it."

"I wish I could have said yes."

"You still can."

A/N Sorry its been so long! I'm going to try to update more regularly! I've been super busy and I've started a business making shirts and stuff so I have been swamped. If anyone wants some Joe merch HMU

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