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Later, he temporarily took over the teaching of horse riding.
  As for archery, it certainly cannot be taught.
  "Uncle Zheng!"
  Seeing that the other party had pulled out the horse, Lin Yuanqiu hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.
  Zheng Laoliu nodded, and then handed over the reins, "I've been feeding for half an hour, and it's just the right time to mount the horse." As he said that,
  Zheng Laoliu remembered the quiver and bow hanging on his waist, and hurriedly picked them up. He handed it over, "Here, here it is!"
  Seeing Lin Yuanqiu take the quiver, hang it on his waist skillfully, and then stretch out his arm to put the bow on his back. Zheng Laoliu was really impressed by these smooth movements. It's eye-catching, it would be better if the aim could be higher later.
  Before Zheng Laoliu could think about it, Lin Yuanqiu had already mounted the horse. Then he flicked his whip, and the bay-red horse immediately started running with a "tap-tap-tap". At this time, the person on the saddle was pulling the reins and leaning forward. The forward movement and the bend on the back make the whole person look much more heroic.
  After the horse ran two circles, Zheng Laoliu saw that the man on the horse was holding a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. He turned around and meowed towards the arrow target in the field, and then shot out quickly with a "bang".
  Looking at this arrow again, it flew directly over the target, fell into the grass and disappeared.
  Zheng Laoliu sighed, as expected, there was no accident. It seemed that the two of them would have to search through the grass for a long time.
  I broke out in a sweat and felt much refreshed. People really have to move to feel energetic.
  Lin Yuanqiu went to the canteen and carried a bucket of hot water back to the room to wipe it off. After breakfast, he had to go to class. It would be too late to take a shower now.
  After putting on clean clothes, Lin Yuanqiu untied her bun and tied it up again. After checking the loose hair, she walked to the canteen.
  Breakfast includes steamed buns, steamed buns, side dishes, and rice porridge. Although the steamed buns and steamed buns are both made with bean noodles, this kind of food is still very good.
  Maybe it was because he was starting to grow taller, but Lin Yuanqiu had already entered the stage where a half-grown boy lived in poverty.
  No, for this morning's meal, he ate a total of two steamed buns, two steamed buns and two bowls of rice porridge. Among the students in the dormitory, he was considered to be quite good at eating.
  Fortunately, the cooks in the canteen were all experienced, so they didn't pay too much attention to Lin Yuanqiu's huge appetite. For them, as long as they didn't waste food, it would be fine.
  Class officially starts at 1:10 every day, and Lin Yuanqiu usually goes there a quarter of an hour early, so that after he prepares his pen and ink, the master will start class.
  In order to record the explanations in Confucius' class, Lin Yuanqiu specially stapled a book of class notes.
  It is said that a good memory is worse than a bad writing. This sentence is absolutely applicable whether in modern or ancient times.
  There are twelve teachers in the whole school, plus Xuezheng and Discipline, there are about twenty people in total.
  The teaching content of the edicts included essays, classics, laws, strategies, poems, and arithmetic.
  Except for arithmetic and law, which are new subjects, several others were already studied in private school.
  However, Lin Yuanqiu knew that although the content of what he learned was the same, his views were definitely different. The Four Books and Five Classics are different from the arithmetic of unique answers. Everyone has a different theory of the article, and their views are naturally different.
  For Lin Yuanqiu, what he has to do now is to "take the strengths of others and make up for his own shortcomings." In Lin Yuanqiu's view, by studying with teachers of different styles, he can learn from their different highlights, so that his own Knowledge will be more abundant.
  Today was Huang Jiaoyu's classics class. After arriving at the class room, Lin Yuanqiu took out "Shang Shu" from the book box.
  The last Islamic edict talked about Cai Zhongzhi's Ming chapter, and I thought it was time to study the Duofang chapter today.
  Lin Yuanqiu opened the book, turned to the Duofang chapter of Shangshu, and began to read word for word:
  "In the fifth month, Dinghai, the king came from Yan, and as for Zong Zhou, the Duke of Zhou said, Wang Ruo said, You! I tell you that the four kingdoms are in many directions, but you are Yinhou Yinmin , I only gave you a great order, but you didn’t know it. Hong Wei planned the order of heaven, Fu Yongyin thought about the sacrifice, but the emperor condescended to Xia..."
  After Lin Yuanqiu finished reading the entire article, classmates came over one after another. After everyone greeted each other, just like Lin Yuanqiu, they quickly opened the book and started reading.
  I think everyone is already very aware of Huang Jiaoyu's love for back-tickling. Although there are all of us sitting here who don't know how to back-trick, but it's just in case, so it's better to recite it a few times to feel at ease.
  There are half-day classes in the morning and half-day in the afternoon. The students can make their own plans. They can go out on the street, gather together to discuss knowledge, recite poems and compose poems, or they can sleep in the dormitory. In a word, everyone can decide what to do.

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