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That thief's name is Shan Bayan.
  Thinking of this, Wang Yongqing couldn't help but feel excited. It seemed that Shan Bayan, the leader of the tribe, had personally brought his people to take revenge.
  Well come, come well, Wang Yongqing clenched the bottle of kerosene in his hand, and promised to make sure this bitch never comes back!
  Shan Bayan, who was full of confidence and prepared for a complete victory, did not know about the ambush on the city tower.
  At this moment, he was riding on the horse with his head half-raised. If he didn't have to keep his eyes open to see the road, Shan Bayan felt that he could raise his head to the sky. You know, today he was the leader. Nearly three thousand tribesmen came. It can be said that the entire tribe, as long as they can coil their horses and bend their bows, all came over.
  Originally, Shan Bayan would not have brought so many people here. After all, there was no need for them to come out in full force to clean up such a small county.
  But when I went back yesterday, the tribesmen were all angry after seeing the burnt corpses in the mane bags. Everyone came here to massacre the city tonight.
  Looking at the continuous torches, Wang Yongqing estimated the approximate number of Shanrong people in his mind. He thought there must be two or three thousand.
  This realization made Wang Yongqing suddenly break into a cold sweat, and then he became even more convinced of Lord Zhizhou's wisdom.
  Wang Yongqing felt that if Master Zhizhou had not prepared everyone in advance, formed a escort team, and sent himself and thirty soldiers over, then Dinghu County would definitely be breached tonight. As for the consequences after the breach , absolutely unimaginable.
  Even now, Wang Yongqing felt that he had to be very alert and must not take it lightly.
  The main reason is that there are too many people on the other side. Although there are many people on their side, one strong Shanrong man can hold up two people. What's more, the other party also uses the wall-climbing hook with one hand. It really makes the Shanrong people climb up. If they attack the city wall or open the city gate, they may not necessarily be their opponents.
  Ten feet, five feet, seeing the Shanrong people holding torches getting closer and closer, Wang Yongqing suddenly had an unexpected idea.
  Especially the torches held by each and every one of them, aren't they the fire attack boost sent to them?
  Therefore, when Shan Bayan, who was waiting for the troops to approach the city, was thinking about whether to break open the city gate and enter in a big way, or send people to secretly climb over the city wall and kill everyone in their sleep, Wang Yongqing quickly raised his hand and gave the order to the fire attackers, "Hit!"
  The voice was sonorous and powerful.
  As for Shan Bayan and the others, after hearing the orders from the tower, before they could recover, they were frightened by the pottery bottles that seemed to fall from the sky with sparks.
  Those who were lucky enough to dodge immediately, while those who were slow to react were hit directly on the head. The broken pottery bottle and the kerosene in the bottle's belly burned unceremoniously, especially with the addition of the torch in the hands of the Shanrong people, and soon the fire was raging.

  No matter how fat and strong the horse is, it cannot stand the taste of its hair being burned and then its meat being roasted. Not to mention the Shanrong people riding on horseback, their bodies were still on fire, and they were all thrown off their horses due to the horse going crazy.
  As a result, the horses screamed and the Shanrong people cried for their fathers and mothers, and the chaotic scene quickly turned into a hell on earth.
  Although the agile Shan Bayan avoided the burning pottery vase as quickly as possible, most of his "goshawk feathers" were inevitably burned by the fire. If Shan Bayan hadn't gritted his teeth and slapped himself hard several times, He slapped the fire out, but he was afraid that the other half of the left side of his face would not be saved either. The smell of burnt hair made Shan Bayan choke and cough several times. When he raised his head again, his eyes were filled with fierceness. , said in a confused voice, "Hurry up and shoot arrows for me!"
  As soon as they heard the leader's call to shoot arrows for me, those Shanrong people who were farther away and had not been burned by the fire remembered that they still had bows and arrows. He hurriedly set up his arrows and fired his bow, and then there was a "bang bang" sound from the bowstring, and the arrows quickly flew up the city wall like rain.
  Seeing this, Wang Yongqing ordered the fire attack team to quickly implement the second plan, which was to squat down and throw the bottle as far away as possible. There were two or three thousand people under the city wall anyway. Even if they didn't have to aim, they would definitely be hit. .
  As expected of a Shanrong man who had arrived home on horseback, all the sharp arrows he fired flew up to the city tower. However, the attack power of the arrows that formed a parabola was much smaller than those that walked in a straight line. He squatted on the other side of the city wall. At this time, the young and strong guards who were holding the baffle could only hear the "tat-tat-tat" collision sound coming from the board, but no arrows were seen penetrating the board.
  The fire attacker continued to throw bottles, and the cloth fuses lit by the fire sickle swayed in the wind, like a pheasant waving its long tail, flying everywhere.
  At this time, the Shanrong people were no longer as menacing as before. They had already extinguished the torches in their hands, and were retreating far away, for fear of being thrown by Huodanzi.
  As for the mountain warriors who originally fired their bows, they no longer had the intention to set up arrows.
  By the way, this kind of indiscriminate shooting without seeing the target is just crazy, isn't it?
  Besides, if they run out of arrows, what will they have to do to save their lives later?
  Looking at Shan Bayan again, looking at the pile of human and horse remains surrounded by raging fires not far away, as well as the fire eggs thrown down from the city tower from time to time, he gritted his teeth, and in the end he could only struggle. Shout out the word "withdraw".
  Withdrawing so soon?

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