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  There is an extra dish of pickled rabbit on the table tonight, and before serving it, the cook followed the eldest lady's instructions and steamed it for half an hour, so the aroma is now overflowing.
  At this time, Lin Yuanhuai and Lin Yuansong were staring at Lin Yuanqiu intently, as if as long as the fifth brother nodded, they had learned the art of pickling rabbit meat.
  Lin Yuanqiu did not disappoint the two of them. After tasting it carefully, he immediately gave the second and third brothers a thumbs up, "It tastes much better than before." Others in the room also nodded repeatedly, "It is indeed delicious
  . Lin Yuansong was praised as having starry eyes, "
  Fifth brother, tell me, if we put pickled rabbit meat like ours in the shop, will there be customers?" "
  Second brother, don't worry, there will definitely be customers by then. I bought it." Lin Yuanqiu was extremely sure.
  Lin Sanzhu spoke at the right time, "In a few days, our rented shop will expire. After taking it back, you two can put these pickled rabbit meat in the shop for trial sale, and you can catch up. This business is for the Chinese New Year."
  Lin Yuansong and Lin Yuanhuai nodded "hmm, hmm," they were busy pickling rabbit meat these past few days, just for the next business of New Year's goods.
  Ever since he saw groups of rabbits being raised in Zhuangzi, Lin Yuansong had the idea of ​​raising rabbits and selling rabbit meat.
  Because he thought of his aunt's craftsmanship in pickling rabbit meat, which made people feel like they couldn't get enough every time.
  When Lin Yuansong mentioned this idea to his family, no one objected.
  Speaking of which, this is also the reason why there are so many rabbits in Zhuangzi.
  You must know that a rabbit can give birth to at least six or seven litters of rabbits every year, and then these rabbits will regenerate when they grow up. Therefore, since last year, Xu Laoshi has made so many cages for rabbits.
  Nowadays, Xu Laoshi and his wife no longer have to cut and dry the weeds in the village to use as firewood like they did before. Instead, they just pull them out and feed them to the rabbits.
  As for rabbit droppings, they are easy to deal with. Just dig a hole next to the persimmon tree and bury them in the ground to make fertilizer.
  It is precisely because there is no shortage of fertilizer that the persimmon trees on Zhuangzi grow particularly strong.
  In the words of Lao Lintou, if we have laid the foundation now, we will definitely be able to bear a lot of persimmon fruits in the future.
  It can be said that the most troublesome thing in the whole village is these rabbits. The main reason is that there are too many rabbits. When they are sent to the restaurant, the restaurant owner often lowers the price.
  But it won’t work if you don’t sell it.
  Now that I have the idea of ​​selling pickled rabbit meat, whether it works or not, I have to try it.
  So, after making up their minds, Lin Yuansong and Lin Yuanhuai began to learn the art of marinating rabbit meat from Zhou.
  Mrs. Zhou took the trouble to teach her over and over again, after all, this was a business that could make money for her family.
  Lin Yuansong and Lin Yuanhuai also studied seriously. In just two months, they let their families taste it five or six times. When they tasted it again on the seventh time, the taste was no different from Zhou's. .
  The same thin but not spicy, fragrant but not greasy.
  However, facing the fragrant pickled rabbit meat, Lin Yuanqiu had another thought.
  In his opinion, although there is no shop specializing in pickled rabbit meat in the capital, as long as others are willing to put in the effort, others will learn to eat it sooner or later.
  Just like the embroidered bookmarks at home, other shops saw their business doing well and followed suit.
  Fortunately, if other shops try to learn from it, they can only follow the same pattern and cannot create similar innovations. After all, this unique painting technique is not so easy to learn.
  This shows how important it is to have a skill that others cannot learn.
  The same goes for eating. This can be concluded from the persimmons. If you want others to learn it, you must have a unique secret recipe.
  So Lin Yuanqiu came up with the idea of ​​adding spices when marinating rabbit meat.
  As for the spices, of course they are ones that no one else has ever used, such as licorice.
  Licorice has a sweet taste. If added to the marinade, the marinated rabbit meat will have more sweetness.
  Lin Yuanqiu knew from his previous life that sweetness was the magic weapon for improving freshness. As far as he knew, the people here only used licorice as a medicinal material.
  Therefore, if their family uses it, the marinated rabbit meat they make will definitely be unique.

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