Chapter 1: Welcome to Jurassic World

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During the endless hours on a plane, I finally made it to Costa Rica, I was so excited to get to see my dad again. I walked through the airport, luggage in hand, I saw a fairly tall man in a black suit and tie looking around the crowd. Was he looking for someone? He then turned in my direction and saw he was holding a sign that said my name on it. I was confused at first, but them went up to him. " hi, I'm Bridget Grady. " I told the man, he looked at me up and down, and a look of realization hit his face. " oh yes, hello I'm a driver assigned by your dad to take you to the boats." He said in a monotone voice. I nodded and we headed to a black limo with black tinted windows. I looked at him confused, " this is the car we are taking?" He turned to me and chuckled " yes, your dad wanted to give you the ultimate experience." I nodded and grinned, I was becoming more and more excited as I came closer and closer to and park, and my dad. Once I hopped in the limo. Once I got inside, I was surprised that right as I sat down, I got a text from my dad. ' like my surprise? ;)' my dad can be so lame sometimes... I texted him back, ' It's awesome!! Thank you so much dad! :D' not two seconds later did I get a response from him. ' your welcome sweetheart, I can't wait to see you! Now, put down your phone and enjoy the ride! Love you' I guess I need to listen to him. I put my phone in my bag and looked at the Costa Rica coast. Looking at the beautiful ocean, I felt my eyes begin to grow heavy. Suddenly, we stopped, I was confused at first as to why we stopped, until I realized we were at the boat dock. The driver came and open my door for me like I was some royal or something. I said a quick thank you to the driver and moved to the dock. I made it just in time for the next boat, I ran to the top deck to get the best view. I liked the feeling of the wind blowing in my long brown locks. I looked around and noticed a boy staring at me, he was quite attractive and looked around my age. We made eye contact and he looked away and turned his head to what looked like his younger brother. Another hour or so until we get there, but it was 10 times better then the plan ride.

Time skip

I looked in front of me to see the amazing island that I will be spending 3 months on. If you looked at the island from a distance and not known what was on it, no one would have guessed it was a theme park. I know I should be more excited to see the dinosaurs, but in all honesty, I was more excited to see my dad. Not seeing him for 9 months can really change a person. I couldn't be more happy to see him. I was snapped out of my thoughts when that boy from earlier tapped my shoulder. "Hi, I'm Zach. " He gave a smile that can make any girl melt. "Hi, I'm Bridget." I gave him a smile. I looked up at the island, " so, what you here for? Internship? Job? For fun?" Zach asked. I turned to face him and looked into his eyes, "My dad works at the park, I'm just going to stay there for the summer." I said with a smile. He almost looked surprised,"you get to stay here all summer?" He said shocked. "Yeah, I'm really excited." I exclaimed. "What about you? What are you here for?" I asked. "My aunt works there. She got us VIP passes and stuff like that. Personally I'm not that big on this stuff." He explained, We were interrupted in the middle of our conversation by that little boy from earlier. "Zach! We're going to be there any minute and your just standing there talking to a girl!" Zach have him a death glare, while I try to control my laughter. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have now arrived at Jurassic World, please exit the boat in an orderly fashion and enjoy your stay at Jurassic World!" An announcer said over the speakers. I looked at Zach who had the little boy tugging at his arm and telling him it's time to go. "I'll see you around maybe. " I told Zach and left to exit the boat. I was so excited to see my dad and the dinosaurs. As soon as my feet landed on the dock, I felt like I was in a whole new world. Next thing I know, I was devoured into a bear hug. I already knew who it was, my dad. We pulled apart, and I looked at his face. I felt like I haven't seen that face in ages, even though I have. I missed him so much and was so happy to see him. "I missed you, dad" I said with tears in my eyes. My dad wiped them away and pulled me into another hug. "I missed you too, princess." He replied. "And can I be the first to say, welcome to Jurassic World!"

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