Chapter 5: T-Rex Girl part 1

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Bridget's POV

After exploring the park for a little bit, I decided to go and see my favourite dinosaur. The Tyrannosaur Rex. I am so excited to finally see it. I have been waiting for this my entire life. Once I enter, I saw Zach and his brother Gray standing by the entrance. "Hey, Bridget. Want to come and see the T. Rex with us?" Zach asked. "Sure, why not." I replied. We went inside and towards the viewing area which was like a giant log. The children surrounded the glass which prevented me to see. "Why don't you go up front? I know that the Rex is your favourite dinosaur." Zach said, he is just so kind and sweet, I forgot I told him that at lunch. Zach pushed a path to the front for me to see. Once I got right up to the glass, the lady doing the showing pushed a button that allowed a goat to come up from a platform in the middle of the habitat. I stared in awe as the Rex came forward, I was like a kid in a candy store. The Rex went to the goat and devoured it in one bite. Suddenly, a child pushed me into the glass and caused me to fall thru the glass. I heard screams of children and Zach screaming my name. I fell to the floor and hit my head on a blunt object, causing me to black out.

Zach's POV

Once Bridget fell thru the glass, the Rex just stared at her. I got terrified, not just for me, but it Bridget as well. The lady in charge of the showcase told everyone in evacuate. I couldn't just leave Bridget there! Guards came and made us exit immediately. One of the guards asked everyone if they knew the girl, I ran up to them. "I know her, her name is Bridget Grady. Daughter of Owen Grady." I explained. His eyes grew wide and ran to get what I prosumer his supervisor. The supervisor called someone, what imagine was her father. I grabbed Gray and ran towards the main centre. All I can do now, is wait.

Owen's POV
I was just about done working with my raptors, when Barry ran up to the top of the Cage where I was working. I didn't take my eyes off of the raptors. " Owen, we need to talk." He said, by the sound of his voice, he was worried. "One sec." I said, I pressed the clicker a few times to get the raptors attention. "Please Owen, it's about Bridget." He replied, that was when I took many eyes away from the raptors towards him. His face looked like he was going to have a heart attack any minute. The raptors started to get anxious, and I finished training for today. My face was probably as white as a ghost. "What about her Berry? Is she okay!?" I began to panic. " Owen, listen, we need to get back to the park as soon as possible." He exclaimed. "Why?!" I asked "why do we need to get to the park as soon as possible?!" I began to imagine the worst case scenario. "There is an accident at the Rex cage." He panicked. I didn't even respond before I got on my bike and down towards the park. I need to make sure she is okay. Berry was close behind me as I sped off on my motorbike. Most of the time, the ride to where the raptors were and where the park was about an hour ride, but I made it half an hour. I need to see her.

Time skip to when he gets there

When I got there, there were guards everywhere and people being gathered in the main centre. I entered the Rex attraction and went to the top of the cage like I do for the raptors. I saw something that nearly gave me a heart attack. There was Bridget on the ground, blood running down her face and there stood the T. rex staring down at her.

A/N: Cliffhanger!! I'll probably be updating the next part tomorrow! Love you guys!

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