Chapter 9: Coriander war

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In the heart of the Going Merry, the kitchen was a lively hub of activity. Sanji, the Straw Hat Pirates' talented cook, was in his element, moving with grace and precision as he prepared a delicious meal for the crew. Segal, his ever-present sous-chef these past few months, was not far behind, ready to assist. However, as was becoming a daily tradition, the two couldn't help but engage in their usual banter.

"More coriander, really?" Segal rolled her eyes, feigning exasperation as she watched Sanji sprinkle the herb generously into the simmering pot. "You know, not everything needs to taste like soap, Sanji." She added, fixing the messy bun she started wearing every time it was time to cook. Sanji insisted her beautiful locks of golden hair needed to be tied up, in order to even enter Sanji's resort that was called a kitchen.

Sanji, cigarette perched between his lips, shot Segal an exaggerated offended look. "Segal, my dear, coriander is the key to elevating a dish to perfection. It's the secret ingredient that takes ordinary food and turns it into a masterpiece."

Segal crossed her arms, leaning against the counter with an amused smirk. "Or it's the secret ingredient that ruins a perfectly good meal," she retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Their playful bickering continued as they prepared the meal, each taking their role seriously. It was a dance of culinary expertise and witty banter, a routine they had settled into comfortably. Over the past few months, they had grown closer through their shared love for cooking, even if it sometimes meant butting heads.

As they neared the final stages of meal preparation, Sanji reached for the coriander once more, intending to add a final touch to the dish. However, Segal, fueled by frustration from their continuous disagreements, made a bold move. With a mischievous grin, she swiftly grabbed the container of coriander and hid it behind her back.

"Hey!" Sanji protested, his eyes widening as he realized what Segal had done. "Don't challenge me." He threatened.

But Segal wasn't about to relent. She held the container out of Sanji's reach, her playful defiance evident. "Not this time, Sanji. Let's see how your masterpiece turns out without your precious coriander."

Sanji's eyes narrowed, a challenge rising between them. "You're asking for it, Sea girl." With a swift, fluid movement, he lunged towards her, trying to grab the coriander back.

Segal, nimble and quick, danced out of his reach, a playful glint in her eyes. "Too slow."

And so, the kitchen became a battlefield, a playful chase between a passionate cook and his intern, as Sanji often called it. Sanji and Segal darted around the kitchen, The girl's laughter mixing with the aroma of the meal they had prepared together. Sanji on the other hand, wasn't laughing. His passion for cooking stood in the way of this playful chase and Sanji might've actually been a little angry.

As they continued their delightful game of cat and mouse, something remarkable was happening. Segal, in the midst of her laughter and teasing, began to realize that the fluttering feeling in her stomach wasn't solely the result of their playful banter. She had grown closer to Sanji in these past months, not just as a friend, although Segal was sure it was only that. She hadn't fully understood the source of those newfound emotions.

Sanji, too, had been undergoing a transformation of his own. While he still flirted with Segal daily, it had become apparent to him that his attention wasn't as widely dispersed among other women as it once was. His heart and his playful banter seemed to be increasingly reserved for the spirited Sea Girl by his side.

Finally, after a merry chase around the kitchen, Segal decided to relent, handing over the coveted container of coriander to Sanji. Her laughter subsided, but their eyes met in a lingering moment of shared understanding.

Segal spoke first, her voice soft but sincere. "You win, this time. But I will never, ever agree with you on that coriander."

Sanji grinned after receiving the herb back, accepting the container and placing it carefully back on the counter. "No problem, madam.  Just as long as you're here to keep me on my toes."

Their eyes locked for a moment longer before they returned to finishing the meal together, this time with an unspoken understanding that went beyond their playful bickering.
"But if you steal my coriander again, I won't hold back."

In the months that had passed, their relationship had deepened, and bonds had formed among the crew that were unbreakable. Nami and Segal had become great friends, confiding in each other as only girls could. Zoro had shared his wisdom and even taught Segal some sword-fighting techniques during their late-night conversations. Luffy and Segal had developed a familial bond, their shared dreams strengthening their resolve. Usopp and Segal's playful antics had only grown, their laughter a constant presence on the ship.

As the meal was finally served, the crew gathered around the table. The laughter, the playful arguments, and the bonds of friendship that had grown stronger over the time being on sea,  filled the air. Segal looked around at her newfound nakama, a sense of belonging warming her heart.

"So, guys." Nami began, tracing her finger over the map the created herself as they ate, careful to not spill any food on there. "Coralhaven island is 5 days from here. This island is known for its very known club called The Oasis. I think we should pay a visit." The navigator finished, looking around the crew for any reactions.
"If there's beer, I'm coming." Zoro spoke, finishing off his meal.
"Sounds like a nice retreat. I'm in." Sanji nodded, looking over at the unspoken crew members.
"Always ready for more adventures!" Luffy smiled, Usopp also nodding. "Sounds good!"
Segal agreed. She had never really been to a club before. "Sounds like fun!"

And so the plans of heading to Coralhaven island were made. The Going Merry sailed on, and though they were still on their journey to the Grand Line's ultimate destination, they never minded the few side quests that came along the way. But like every other destination, something had to interfere.

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