chapter twenty-three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Elyza Mikaelson appeared in front of the Bennett Mansion with a fresh scowl on her face. She and her husband had been having a magical time in Hawaii, living as free as they had ever done since their wedding day. Ruining that was Mina Bennett when she decided to call yapping about Esther Mikaelson.

Having had Mina key her into the spell a while ago, she just walked up to the front door, ringing the doorbell. It opened fairly quickly, Elyza walking past her host.

"We should talk," Mina suggested.

"I'm here because Esther is a threat to my husband," Elyza said simply, sitting on the edge of the table. "So, get on with that part."

Mina forced herself to nod, not willing to lose her only source of help. While Elyza wasn't exactly on her good side at the moment, she was the only person who she could count on to have her back without questions.

"Elena Gilbert? Remember her?" Mina started. When Elyza gave her the nod that meant continue, she did. "We need her first."

Elyza hopped off the table, grabbing her purse. "You're driving."

Salvatore Boarding House

The drive seemed like it lasted forever, both beings silent unless a car in front of them did something remotely stupid. When Mina pulled up in the driveway of the Salvatore Mansion, she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulder. She had completely underestimated how awkward it would be riding with her former friend.

"I don't know if they changed the deed of the house again, so give me a second."

Elyza sat there, staring ahead, deciding not to acknowledge the Bennett. Mina, who couldn't make herself care, got out of the car and didn't waste time getting in the house. While she knew Damon Salvatore's car wasn't in the driveway, she didn't know how to tell who was there and who wasn't.

Hearing a whoosh pass by her, she summoned her magic, and an invisible shield appeared in front of her.

"You should've never come back here," She heard someone say.

Mina looked around her, her magic ready to attack. A simple attack spell was on the tip of her tongue. "Come out, come out, wherever you are," She sang, slowly walking up the stairs. She took one stair at a time, her ears listening out for any sudden movement.

When she heard the familiar woosh behind her, she turned around, sending Caroline Forbes flying into the wall. Coming up behind her, Elena tangled her fist in Mina's hair, pushing the both of them down the stairs. Mina braced herself as she felt her body tumble down the stairs.

Elena summoned her fangs, sinking them in Mina's neck midway down the staircase.

Appearing from the basement area, Stefan launched himself at Mina from behind. However, he didn't make it because his arm was twisted before he was thrown into the ground. Elyza's eyes traveled to Mina, who was doing the best she could to fight against Elena.

Without hesitation, she flashed over to the two, grabbing Elena's head and ramming it against the railing of the stairs. Getting up, Elena held her fist up. Laughing at the challenge, Elyza let the doppelganger attack her.

After three failed attempts on a hit, Elyza pushed her against the wall, deciding to end the girl's life once again. Her hand tried to make its way to her heart but Elena's hand pushed against her. Elyza tried to push forward, but Elena's grip was strong enough to stop her.

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