Chapter 43: The Villain Named 'Uterus'

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Serena was having a rough day.

Her periods had always been irregular and rough and they'd only gotten worse as she got older. She'd considered paying someone to just chop out the damn organ, especially since she was so late in the game having kids now would be a nightmare, but they they'd told her downsides of getting a hysterectomy too early and she decided she could wait a year or so. It wasn't like they happened that often anyway and it gave her an excuse not to go to work. She'd take birth control to turn them off completely, but she just had to be one of those unfortunate enough to have bad reactions to anything trying to screw with her hormones. It was like her body was possessive over its power to torture her or something.

So, she went with the next best thing: using her connections in the syndicate to get the good stuff, because over the counter pain medications could only do so much on a uterus this sadistic. She even had a good dose where she could function somewhat normally without being too high, though her neighbor would highly contest that.

Unfortunately, as she said before, her periods were irregular. Which meant they struck out of the blue and not when she was safe at home where she could be high and pain free in peace.

Like while she was on a preplanned mission to escort Mimi for some fun at the indoor swimming pool. In her swimsuit. Because Duke didn't trust Mimi to swim by herself, even though the girl knew how.

Thankfully, Serena had enough experience to know when the flow was coming and didn't embarrass all of them by bleeding in the pool. It didn't make it any less embarrassing when she had to brace herself against a pool chair, again in her swim suit, so her flabby thighs and arms were in view. Really, damn America for making her fluffy, and damn her thirties for helping.

Omen had gone with Duke for something important so it was one of his turban-wearing men who stood near the door. Serena could feel his gaze on her, but he didn't come over, thank God, though screw him for being so heartless.

But, of course, Mimi was there in a second. Her expression had hardened and she seemed far too old when she ducked down to see Serena's face.

"You're suffering. What can I do?"

Serena chuckled, though it was weak. Another contraction was coming on. Really, they couldn't be called cramps, they were contractions.

"Who talks like that?" she said. "It's just my period, chit. I'm afraid we're going to have to cut our swim lesson short." Which was a pity, as Mimi had been looking forward to it. Serena had also picked out the cutest designer swim suit known to man as well and she just looked scrumptious—which also had the negative impact of making Serena question herself for finding a kid so cute. Kids weren't cute. They were stupid, whiney things that only cared about themselves and were more often than not stinky and dirty and would fart on you for a good joke.

Still, Mimi did not look comforted. She also kept glancing around, as though expecting something to jump out and attack them. Her fists had tightened too, something Serena noticed she did when she was nervous.

"You," said Mimi, rather imperiously, towards the guard at the door. "Give me that towel and help me with her."

"I can walk," said Serena, offended.

Mimi gestured the guard over anyways and he obeyed forthwith. It was rather cute seeing the tall, strong guard bow himself to Mimi and listen so carefully. She was growing into her princess britches quite finely. Serena patted herself on the back for that.

Then she had to force her contracting body to mince walk to the changing room. Getting back into her uniform just gave her time to think of how damn big the property was and how she would have to walk across the entirety of it to get back to her car. Then she'd have to drive all the way home and ugh, screw it, she'd take having to be stuck on estrogen pills and all that crap, this stupid uterus was going out. She'd cut it out herself if she had to.

All angry thoughts came to a stop, however, when she came back out and saw no sign of her concerned little mistress.

"Chit?" Her voice bounced across the waters of the pool, which had already grown still. The glass walls showed the perfectly manicured gardens wrapping around the building. Serena, feeling a bit high on pain for a moment, peered into those bushes as though Mimi would pop out of them. "Little Miss?"

Mimi had said she would wait out here. She had wanted to shower in her own bathroom before getting changed. She had a strange thing of not liking to use any other bathrooms other than the one she was used to if she didn't have to. Serena had had no reason to question it, but it meant she hadn't gone into the changing room with her either. She couldn't see any sign of her guard either.

After a full minute of calling and looking around, hard ice gripped Serena's heart.

She pressed the emergency call number on her phone.

Her boss picked up without a hello.

"What's wrong?"

"She's missing, sir."


"I went to change—you know how she is with bathrooms—and when I came out her and the guard were gone."

"I got her a phone, did you call her?"

No, Serena hadn't, but she didn't have a good feeling about this, and Serena trusted her feelings.

"She said she would wait, she was so worried about me, she wouldn't—she's stupidly diligent—sir—"


Then he was gone and Serena was looking at the red blinking numbers stating the time of the ended call. Another contraction came in, hard, and her legs trembled, along with her lower lip.

If she found that girl and she was okay—if Mimi really had just left without telling her, as uncharacteristic as it was—Serena didn't care if Duke killed her for it, she was going to beat her and then she was going to hug her tight for three days straight.

Because it was not fair for such a cute, funny, wonderful child to exist and then just disappear.

Unable to stand feeling so helpless, she pulled up the number for the Cromwell brat. He should be wondering towards Mimi's bedroom about now. He liked to arrive early so he could get everything set up for their gaming session and play a bit before Mimi came. Serena only allowed it because she had no way to stop it.

"Ohllo, you guys done already?"

"Is Mimi with you?"

"She's missing?! Where do I go?"

"Just keep station at her room in case she goes there, maybe look out in the hallway."

"Seriously? I can do more than that. I got my laptop and—"

"The boss is already looking, don't you dare interfere!"

"Jeeze, fine, take away my chance for glory. What else can you tell me?"

Serena didn't have much to give, and when Juli hung up she already suspected he would ignore her warnings and was either running around the mansion like an imbecile or doing the even stupider by trying to hack the security cameras. Unless he had access to some of them already because his father had the bright idea to start him out young. Stupidity was genetic.

She sped walk out of the pool room, slowing to a mince during a cramp, then speeding up. She hadn't bothered with her heels so her feet made calming pad-pad noises across carpet and slaps across tile. She passed parlors, the living room, peeked in bathrooms, cleared the area about the kitchen, and had just got her hands on the glass doors to the center courtyard when her phone went off.

She nearly dropped it answering the call.



When do you read your stories? Lunch break? On the toilet? When you're trying to avoid using ice cream as a coping mechanism for depression? Me, I just have an addiction. I have to read I love it so much. Probably why I'm a writer despite having no talent for it to begin with. Everything I have now I got through sheer hard work and practice. :3 

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