Chapter 5 - Preparations

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The rest of the day went by in a blur. Immediately the royal palace was thrown into planning of the wedding.

As a marriage had not been the anticipated outcome of their trip, the saiyans had not brought an engagement ring. Prince Vegeta promised Bulma that he would return with a ring for her in exactly two weeks, which would give the royal family sufficient time to get back to Vegetasai, tend to some duties, and return.

The one request Princess Bulma really made was to have the wedding take place on Earth. She noted that her father was in much too frail of a state to go on an intergalactic trip at the present. To her surprise, Vegeta agreed without an argument or protest.

It would be up to Chi-Chi, Maron, and some of the servants to make arrangements for the wedding.

The Prince ordered Kakarot to stay on Earth and keep watch over Bulma. Of course, Kakarot was thrilled with the idea - for that meant more time that he would have to court Chi-Chi.


Soon it was the following day, and King Vegeta asked for a private meeting with King Briefs.

"This wedding announcement comes with good timing. We'll need to proceed with the arrangements as soon as we return," King Vegeta said.

Something about this statement struck King Briefs as ominous. "How come you say that?"

"Because I will have a meeting with Frieza in about three weeks. He wants to discuss borderlines, and that will be the perfect time to make him aware of Vegetasai's alliance with Earth."

"I see..." King Briefs couldn't help the wave of anxiety that hit him. "It still feels so soon."

"Let's face it, the two would have gotten married anyway. They were obviously made for one another," King Vegeta said. "We are just speeding up the process due to diplomatic affairs."

"Perhaps you're right," King Briefs replied. "As long as this is what my Princess wants and it will make her happy, who am I to complain."

And so it was decided that the marriage would occur as soon as the saiyans returned with the ring, and it would be King Briefs' duty to relay the information to Princess Bulma.


It was about 4 in the evening, and the departure was impending. Prince Vegeta went to the Princess' room, letting himself in without knocking.

"Prince," Bulma said, looking up from the journal on her desk. "I was not expecting you,"

"I wanted to give you this before I leave." The Prince explained. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a metal broach that formed the letter 'V'. Made out of dark blue stone, the V was encrusted with white jewels Bulma had never seen before. She took it from him delicately, afraid she might accidentally break it.

"This is a broach that is only granted to warriors that have displayed impressive levels of bravery and brutality in combat. I have had this since I was ten years old."

With a gasp, the Princess looked up. "What did you do to earn it at that age?"

"I'd rather not share that with you. Just keep it to remind you of me. Until I return with your ring,"

"Thank you, Prince."

Princess Bulma looked down at the broach admiringly, and when she looked back up at the Prince she saw he was staring at her with a glazed look in his eyes. "Is everything alright?"

He stared at her for several more seconds before gulping. "Yes. It's just. I enjoy looking at you."

"Oh," Bulma felt a tinge on her cheeks. "You aren't so bad to look at, yourself."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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