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                 𝟎𝟎𝟐. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎

▌ "𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 is for beautiful if you live in Shadyside! Red is for radiant if you live in Sunnyvale! Despite our differences, we're all perfect!" Joan shouts as she throws a blue shirt over to Ziggy.

"Even you, Ziggy Berman!" Ziggy rolls her eyes.

Stephanie and Ziggy walk into the infirmary. "Mom!" Stephanie shouts. "Mom! Where are you!?" Stephanie shouts once more.

"Nurse Lane!" Ziggy shouts. "Nurse Lane! Come on, I could die any minute now!" Ziggy shouts again.

Both of the girls see a door cracked open. They walk over to it. "Mom?" Stephanie says.

"Nurse Lane, are you in here?" Ziggy asks. They walk in to see that it is Nurse Lane's office. They walk over to the desk to see a notebook.

'𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘' it says. On the other side, it has a piece of newspaper that says, '𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑗𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠'. Stephanie frowns at that.

"What are you doing?" Nurse Lane asks from behind them. "Oh my gosh! Nurse Lane, you scared the shit out of us." Ziggy says.

Nurse Lane just stands there staring at the two girls. "Mom, are you okay?" Stephanie asks.

"I am." She replies. Ziggy then brushed her hand through her hair to reveal the burn mark.

"Oh my goodness. Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy, what did we do know?" She asks.

- - -

Stephanie stands next to the bed while Ziggy sits on it, and Nurse Lane sits on the one across from Ziggy and Stephanie.

"Okay, so you are gonna apply this once a day for three days. Okay?" Nurse Lane says as she holds up the ointment.

"It's gonna protect against infection." She continues. "It's gross." Ziggy says. "You'll live." Nurse Lane replies with a small laugh.

"So, um... what's the witch's mark?" Ziggy asks. Nurse Lane pauses at that. "You know about my daughter, right? Ruby Lane?" Nurse Lane asks.

Stephanie sighs. "Mom, not this story again." Stephanie says. Her mom just ignores her.

"Uh... I don't -" Ziggy begins. "Of course you do. Everybody talks. I know." Nurse Lane says.

"Tell me, what do they say." Nurse Lane says. "Uh, um... They say she, uh... she killed people. Seven... seven friends." Ziggy replied.

"Eight. She killed herself that night, too. So, eight." Nurse Lane corrected. "Mom, stop." Stephanie said. Her mom ignores her again.

"Ruby was such a sweet girl. Oh, and she had a sweet voice. She was in choir. She wanted to be a singer. I was so proud of her. So proud." Nurse Lane said.

She went to put the bandage around Ziggy's arm. "Mom..." Stephanie said as she tried to make her mom stop talking about Ruby.

It's not that Stephanie didn't like Ruby or didn't want her as a sister. It's just that hearing about Ruby made her upset, and she didn't wanna hear it because it would just make her more upset.

"The doctors say it was a psychotic episode that she just snapped. But the kids say Sarah Fier made her do it.

"That's a little tight." Ziggy said, talking about the bandage that was being placed on her arm.

"What do you think? Because I don't think you go from being a sweet girl with dreams to ripping someone's insides out with a switchblade." Nurse Lane started ranting.

"Mom, stop it, please." Stephanie pleaded as tears started to fill her eyes a bit.

"Nurse Lane!" Ziggy said as she tried to get her attention to stop wrapping the bandage so tight.

"People usually kill for a reason, and sometimes that reason is justified. Sometimes killing isn't murder. Sometimes, it's necessary." Nurse Lane continued.

"That's hurting me." Ziggy said. Nurse Lane didn't listen. "Sometimes it is good." Nurse Lane said.

"Nurse Lane!" Ziggy exclaimed. That made her snap out of it. "Once a day for three days, okay?" Nurse Lane said.

The three of them heard the door opening. It was Cindy Berman.

"Hi, Nurse Lane. Hi, Stephanie." Cindy said with a smile. "Hi, Cindy." Nurse Lane replied while Stephanie just waved.

"Ziggy." Cindy said in a cold tone. Ziggy, Stephanie, and Cindy walked out of the infirmary.

"Stephanie, can you give us a minute, please?" Cindy asks. "Of course, Cindy." Stephanie said with a small smile. "Thank you." Cindy replied with a small smile as well.

Then, Stephanie walked off.

THE OTHER LANE GIRL, camp nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now