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                  𝟎𝟏𝟎. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐄𝐍

▌ 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊 locked the door behind him, and we all hid behind a table. "Did we lose him?" Ziggy asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Are you okay? You hurt?" The boy questioned. He looked down and saw the blood on our shirts from the outhouse.

"It's not our blood. It's Gary's." Stephanie said. "And yours?" Stephanie questioned.

"Um... Sean, Jesse, Rod, Stacey." The boy said. Stephanie covered her mouth with her, and as she began to tear up a little.

"They were just children." Stephanie muttered under her hand to where nobody could hear her.

"Shadysiders. It's the curse." The red-headed girl said. "No, it's, uh, it's just some psycho." Nick replied.

"No, no, it's not some psycho. It's Tommy." Ziggy said. "My sisters perfect, virgin, boring boyfriends Tommy. She did this."

"The witch?" Nick questioned. "The witch." Ziggy replied. "That's not real, Ziggy." Nick said.

"That's exactly what a Sunnyvaler would say." Stephanie muttered. Nick glanced over at her.

"I thought you were different." Ziggy said. The three of them then heard a bell ringing.

That was the bell to signal that they were getting on the bus. "They're getting on the bus. We have to go!" The boy said.

"I can't! My sister is still out there!" The red-head exclaimed. "Nick! We can't leave her sister!" Stephanie exclaims after Ziggy.

"Listen, I've let a lot of people die." Nick started. "It's not your fault." Ziggy said. "Not you! I'm not letting you die!" The boy exclaimed.

"Because, uh... yeah. I do like the weird girl from Shadyside." Stephanie just rolls her eyes at him.

"And I was thinking, maybe once we get out of this, we could, uh, we could, uh... we could start a book club or something. Maybe... I don't know, Stephen King's new one is supposed to be good, I hear." Nick says.

"I'm done with King. Judy Blume from now on." Ziggy says. "Yeah, Judy Blume sounds, uh... That sounds perfect." The boy agrees.

"You believe me, right? About the curse?" The red-head asks. "Yeah, of course. I am different." The boy replies.

"Okay, now, we need to find her sister." Stephanie interrupted. "No, we need to get on the bus." The brunette boy disagrees.

"Nick!" Stephanie exclaims. Then, the three of them hear banging at the door.

Someone punches the glass on the door and reaches their hand through and turns the door nob.

It's Tommy.

Tommy breathes heavily as he walks around the room, checking to see if anyone is there.

When we come close to the space where Ziggy, Stephanie, and Nick are, the three of them move yo hide behind a different table.

Then, Tommy smashes his axe into a glass habitat where a snake was. The snake then started slithering onto Ziggy's leg.

Then, Tommy grabbed Ziggy's hair and slid her across the table. "Ziggy!" Both Stephanie and Nick screamed in unison.

Once Ziggy landed on the floor, Tommy was about to swing his axe at her when Stephanie jumped in front of her, but Nick came and jumped in front of Stephanie.

The axe hit his leg. Nick grunted as his leg hurt. "Run!" Nick exclaimed. "Run!"

The two girls began to run out of the science and nature cabin.

THE OTHER LANE GIRL, camp nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now