Introduction lol

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Link (hero of the tragic Majesty)

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Link (hero of the tragic Majesty)

Nicknames: Majesty, Hero of tragedy

Age: 13-14 (or 1,000 if you wanna get technical)

Backstory: his empress went bad and his parents led the rebellion against her, thus, getting them killed, but he had the childs curse (explain that later) and was forced to live until he completed his mission, of killing ganon, his people split into groups and took refuge in the shrines they built for their goddess, Link lived their and was raised as an elite warrior for 1,000 years, (being alone for the last 114 of them) he got his mission when lady parsuchk called him to speak with her, she explained to him his mission and that she had the childs curse too, and her mission was to tell him his, so after that she faded and monsters invaded the shrine, he killed them all and fled

Fighting style: He's not really upfront with fighting and doesn't prefer to use a sword, instead he sits back in the trees and uses his trusty throwing knives and a bow and arrow, so more stealthy and backlines aggressive. Fun fact: he hates using the master sword because it doesn't match his fighting style, he says its clunky and feels weird to fight with, a.k.A its too heavy for him

Friends: Zelda, Marina

Companion: Marina (We'll get to her another time ;)

What is the childs curse: Basically when a child is about to die, if they have a destiny that nobody else can fulfill, hylia herself will come down and save them, and until they've completed their mission, they'll keep on living, but when they do complete their mission they die, unless they have someone or something else to live for, Link completed his mission, and he was about to die, but he had Zelda and Marina to live for, so Hylia let him go

Does he have any scars?: Yes, on his arms and legs, but the worst one would have to be on his mouth, right before he took the final blow in killing ganon, ganon ripped half his mouth off, think of alice angel from bendy and the ink machine that's what it sort of looks like, that's also why he wears that mask

That's about it for now, thx for reading this pre-dumpster fire era

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