Well damn

57 2 3

My link pov: 

"The grass doesn't taste very good." Was all he was shoved into utter and complete darkness

He got another mouthful again, much to his dismay, "taste like Piss and Asscheeks" he groaned to himself, he couldn't cough up any of the bootycheek grass though, considering he physically couldn't move his face, how many people were on top of him, was it 9, 8? He couldn't remember, all he knew was that he was being squashed, 

And just his luck that the person on top of him was wearing, fucking.armor, not just any armor, super fucking heavy armor, "god do people always have to be extra."he sighed, It was digging into his arm, he thought it might leave a mark if it stayed there for much longer.

Suddenly he heard groaning, signaling that that whoever these people were, finally grasped their situation

"Wars, get the fuck off!" He heard one of them shout 

"I can't, twilights on top of me!" The stranger, "wars" argued back

"Twilight, get the fuck off!" Link heard a sigh, as the weight on top of him got lighter and lighter

But everything still felt heavy, and he still tasted the bootycheeks grass but it was an improvement

And then he didn't feel heavy anymore


He could hear the strangers bickering, but he couldn't see their faces, only the grass

"Godamnit AGAIN!?"

"Anyone know who's Hyrule were in?

" I mean I would say its mine, but Hyrule castle looks like shit, so I'm out. "

"Jesus Christ I hate portals."

"four, if your gonna hurl, do it behind a tree."

*who the fuck names their kid four?* link thought

"I can't! Were in a feild there aren't any trees for me to puke behind!"

"Guys, can any of you recognize this place?"

"Look, Time, I'm as confused as you are."

*sigh* "Ok is everyone here, lets see, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ok we're all her- wait what?"

"Wait, 10!?"

"Hold on? If there are 9 of us, then who the fu-

And that was when Link finally got the strength to jolt up from the ground, thought not without puking up some grass first

" Uh, hey are you o-

"MOTHERFU-*cough* SHIT! *wheeze* This grass taste like *cough, wheeze* fucking PISS!" Link shouted, as he coughed up balls of grass into the ground

He seemed to forget the 9 people watching him, in shock and confusion

"Ah damnit, my hoods covered in Shit now..." He grumbled, pulling at his hood, he hated it getting dirty, still not acknowledging the people watching him

The chain pov or something, Idfk

Sky turned to the rest of the group

"Uhm, guys I think we squashed someone when we fell." He sighed, pointing to the choking teenager on the ground

They looked over to the supposed "choking teenager" on the ground, long, long elf ears, they couldn't quite get a glimpse at his yes, lengthy brown sandals that came up to his knees, and a shortish white and green, hoodie? He had faded blond hair, tied into a ponytail with a long red ribbon, he looked to be no older the 12 or 13

He looked familiar, like they had seen him somewhere before

"should we help him or, what?" Wild asked, confused

"Maybe he knows where we are!" Wind said

Twilight approached the kid "uh, hey you ok, I know we kind of, squashed you earlier." He said awkwardly

"huh, oh me? Yea I'll be alright, wouldn't be the first time I've been squashed by people, bar fights are NOT as cool when your are right in the middle of them let me tell you." The kid sighed

"Bar fights? Ok what the heck, the kids like 12, and he's getting into bar fights, you know what whatever we have wind on our team anyways what else is new?" Twilight though to himself

"Uhm ok....mind telling us where we are?...exactly?" Twilight asked again

"Welcome to hyrule strangers." The kid says as he holds a hand out to the vast open space of land that is apparently, hyrule

Twilight turns back to the others, they all talk in confused voices

"He called us strangers! If we were in one of our Hyrules surely at least one of us would've been recognised by now!?" Twilight said, extremely confused and perplexed now

"For every Hyrule there's a Link, and if this really IS a new hyrule then that means..." Time said

"oh for fucks sake, another one?!, we already have 9!? How many more children can Hylia give severe PTSD?!" Legend groaned

"Apparently a lot more then we thought." Four muttered

"So what do we do? We know literally nothing about this Hyrule?!" Wild added

"I mean, I guess we trust him? He clearly knows this place better then we do, and who knows, he might be able to lead us to this Hyrules Link." Time shrugs

"And how do we know we can trust him? We just met this guy?!" Legend argued

"Well I mean, what other choice do we have? It'll Probobly make our stay here a lot easier and it might be a sorry for uhm, yknow, Hyrule motions to the kid, whos still standing behind them, as he chokes up another ball of grass into his hand, as he tosses it onto the ground, and smooshes it with his foot

" He seems, trustworthy." Warriors grimaced

"Eh, wouldn't be the first time." Wild shrugged


My link Pov:

Link was standing there, just as confused as ever, as the 9 random guys stood and talked to each other, he stared at them, extremely perplexed

"what, what the fuck?, is happening?!" He think frantically

Then, the tallest, oldest, and probably the leader, or something, starts making his way towards him, Link now realizes that he was the one with the armor stabbing into his arm, 

"So this is him huh?" Link thinks as the man crouched down in front of him

"Uhm, so basically, we came here through a portal, and we have no idea where we are, so can you, help us out please?, it would also probably make up for.....squashing you earlier." The man offered

Link stared at him skeptically, before agreeing, "Fine, I'll show you the ropes, but first, I need to know your name, or names." He said as he looked behind him at the other 9 people

"Oh, that's four, sky, wild, hyrule, legend, twilight, wind, and warriors, oh, and my names time."

"Damn, they've all got weird ass names" Link thought

He looked up at time, before nodding "Ok, I'll help you." He sighed

"Now tell me, stranger, what's your name?" Time asked him

Link hesitated for a moment, "should I really tell them my name? To 9 random people, who knows how bad that could end up, they have weapons and stuff, maybe they'd steal my toes at night, wait link why would they want your toes, well that's weird, anyways, what so I tell them!?, oh! Oh! I got it, I'll just use my code name, Good job Linkie! Your a genius!"

"You can call me....sapphire."


Woof, I finally finished it

As always please tell me what you think in the comments, anyways bye

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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