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Now that you've seen and enjoyed all the edits, it's time to announce the winner(s)!

However, before I announce them, I need to make a couple of disclaimers:

-The characters I create have nothing to do with the people they are named after. For example, I may create a less-than-lovable character with a winner's name, but that does not reflect whatsoever on the actual person

-I will introduce the characters later on, but I have no exact idea of when

-The parts will be small, I admit, but I will be certain to make note when I include them

And a few side notes:

Apparently the latest Wattpad update/glitch has made it so you may have automatically unfollowed me here on Wattpad, so please be sure you're still following me/follow me if you didn't already :) It's important because sometimes the story update notifications don't go out so I send out messages to my followers to alert them of the update, but you won't get it if you don't follow me! Please dooooo :)

AND be sure to follow me on Twitter- @styles_legend

So! Since I am incredibly indecisive and adored every single edit that was made, I've had to chose five winners (even though I wish I could have had pretty much everyone be a winner). Again, huge thank you to every single one of you who participated. I truly loved every single entry and it was so hard to chose, but I finally had to make some decisions.

The winners are as follows:

-Arianna (@AriannaJM) for her original piano composition inspired by Blackwing and Anarchy (Part Twenty-Seven)

-McKenna (@kenna33333) for her incredible trailer (Part Twenty-Six)

-Marie (@lectricem2) for her adorable drawing of Herc and Bear (Part Twelve)

-Christine (@nxrryplease) for her beautiful drawings of Jett and Harry (Part Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen)

-Prih (@prihazz) for the Gracery hug manip (Part Twenty-Two)

Congratulations to those of you that have won, and congratulations to me for finally managing to make that impossible decision. You guys are all amazing! Thank you so much again to each and every one of you :) x

Anarchy EditsWhere stories live. Discover now