Growing up

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Allyria's Pov:

2 yrs. old

Allyria was running to godswood. She saw Robb and Jon. Jon was doing something with sticks whereas Robb was near the entrance. Allyria went to Robb and said, "what are you playing? lets play princesses and princes." Robb looked annoyed and said, "that is a very boring game i don't want to play courting. we are playing real game." Allyria said, "last time you enjoyed it remember" Robb rolled his eyes, "why do you like that game? infect mother says you can never be a princess or a lady because you are a bastard" Allyria's eyes filled with tears and she ran away. Jon looked at Robb, "where did she go?" Robb shrugged not realizing what he had said.

3 yrs old

Allyria was well aware of her place even at such a young age. Septa Mordane and lady stark has seen to that They had reminded her that she didn't belong here. she was a bastard, and she is lucky she has a home. Lady stark had told her to not spoil Robb with her disgusting presence. hence, Allyria kept her distance from the heir Robb stark and their farther lord stark. She only had one person here JON her sweet brother who was innocent and childish. maybe because he didn't had to spend time with lady stark. he instead played all the time with Robb. Allyria doubted he even knew the meaning of bastard and considered lady stark his mother.

though he had soon learnt his lesson when he had bruised his knee and had gone to lady stark crying to kiss his pain away as Robb sometimes did

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though he had soon learnt his lesson when he had bruised his knee and had gone to lady stark crying to kiss his pain away as Robb sometimes did. When he had called her "mother" She had slapped him. Jon had come crying to their rooms. 

Jon said, "Why would mother hate me?"

Allyria said, "dumbass, she is not our mother."

Jon said, "but she is Robb's mother and lord stark is our father. so, she should be our mother."

Allyria said," lord stark is our father, but lady stark is not our mother that is why we are bastards."

Jon said, "bastards?"

Allyria said, "children born out of sin whose mother is a whore."

Jon said," whore?"

Allyria said, "yes and if you are hurt you should go to Mary instead of lady stark if don't want a slap."

But Jon was loved by their father a lot. he called him "father", but she never called him that instead calling him "lord stark" as lady stark has reminded her numerous times.

Allyria spent most of her time with children of servants and other time in classes with maester luwin. Allyria didn't have any classes of becoming a lady because she wasn't one.

5 yrs. old

Allyria was talking with Hena the cook's daughter in courtyard 

Allyria was talking with Hena the cook's daughter in courtyard 

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