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Allyria shrugged off her secondhand dress. she had grown up now since last year she had noticed the leering eyes of many workers and guard in Winterfell and that of Greyjoy as well. he irked her. she knew she was beautiful. but it didn't matter she was nothing but a bastard.

Allyria ran from her room in breeches to their secret place. she saw Jon brooding under the tree.

 he stood up and threw the sparring stick at her.," you are late."

 she catches it," I was helping maester luwin."

they begin to spar. she says grinning," do you know what Mullen told me?"

he looks at her curiously. she says," he told me that winter town people think that i am a princess because i am too beautiful even more than their lord's daughter."

he rolls his eyes," they must be buttering you up."

she says in arrogance," you know I am beautiful."

they tiredly went under the tree to sit. she says smirking," you know Hena was asking about you."

Jon blushes a shade of crimson," what was she saying?"

Jon blushes a shade of crimson," what was she saying?"

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Allyria was in the kitchens. she was very close with the cook's daughter, Beth. Beth said," Did you see the lord's son? oh he was so handsome."

Allyria shrugged," he was arrogant."

Beth said," all lords are. but nonetheless he was handsome."

the cook, Gegg said," little lady you better go to the feast before your father notices your absence."

Allyria said," I doubt he will notice me."

Beth said," lady stark will."

Allyria sighed," only so she can scold me for this later. but you are right I should be going otherwise my brother will brood to death."

Allyria was walking to the hall lost in her thoughts. 

she reached the hall and slipped in. she moved quickly to the seat near Hena and the stable boys who was busy eating. she looked at the lord table to see lord Eddard stark and lord Rickard karstark. her eyes looked for Jon who was immersed in a conversation with Robb. she ignored them and began talking with her friends. 

ned's pov;

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ned's pov;

he looked at the door as Allyria entered. he sighed. even after all these he could not look in her eyes without being reminded of Ashara. she has Ashara's beauty as well. he had denied every man who came to him asking for her hand, most of them had been old man or other lord's bastards. he didn't want her in the hands of people who he feared would hurt her.

Allyria's pov

Allyria was drunk as the night was coming to an end. she had danced with her friends. she was stumbling on her way to her brother when she felt someone's hand on her waist. she saw it was Theon. Theon grinned at her," aren't you quite drunk?"

Allyria removed his hand and said," fuck off."

Theon was amused," your vulgar mouth makes my desire grow for you each day."

she looks at him with disgust. he says," come on just one night in my bed or I could even make you my salt wife. you know I am my father's heir you could do much worse than me."

she says," shut up Greyjoy don't come near me Greyjoy, or I will cut off your cock."

he held her hand and says darkly," look at these men, I bet each one of them wants to see what is under the violet eyed bastard's skirt. you are quite famous in winter town."

he leaves her standing there feeling insecure all of a sudden.

she was returning to her bed chambers when she sees Jon.

she was returning to her bed chambers when she sees Jon

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she says," Jon!"

Jon turns with his brooding face. she says," wait up."

Jon waits. she catches up with him and says," oh the feast was good I certainly enjoyed it."

Jon noticed the wager in her steps and her breath stinks of wine. he says shocked," you are drunk."

she says smiling devilishly," only a little."

Jon says," if father finds out-"

she says, "he will not."

she shows him a wineskin and says," want some?"

he eyed her. she said," you are too serious to be a bastard."

Jon straightened his back at that word. and she said," see too much."

she drank from the skin.

Jon looks at her with disapproval. she sways as they walk," oh Jon maybe someday I will sit in a boat and go far away to the land of Essos. think about the adventures I will have there"!

Jon says," why are you always talking about leaving Winterfell?"

Allyria said," I don't belong here. I had rather be somewhere else alone."

he says," you should be grateful that we have somewhere to live."

Allyria rolls her eyes.

Allyria says," you should come with me to Mullen's. then you will learn how to be a bastard."

he says with annoyed look," I don't want to be a bastard."

Allyria says," but you are."

he says," you should stop sneaking off to Mullen's inn. I swear if father ever finds out you will never see the end of your punishment."

Allyria says," if he finds out then be it so." 

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