New Friends

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~ Kens phone~

7:30 AM

L - Zeke is bi btw,

K - Oh, you don't say
K - You and Dante have a history?

L - No...

K - You like him?

L - ....

K - I didn't hear a no

L - He's Cute looking.

K- Noted.

~Kens POV~
I giggle as I look up from my phone. Looking out the window, I see that we are in what seems to be a parking lot. And across the street from the parking lot is a huge school.

"We are here, You ready?" my brother turns to look at me

"Yeah," I respond scratching my head.

"Ok, let's go get this day over with" I hear Lydia say as she gets out of the car.

"Couldn't agree more" I say as I get out on my side.

I looked around and I was right this school is huge. I see that we're not the only ones in the parking lot, There are many groups of people in different cars, either talking to each other or walking towards the school across the street. Looking at the school, it is huge, it looks like on the left is a football stadium, and to the right are more buildings, Looking in the front of the school, A big fountain at the center and kids grouped around talking, I'm pretty sure they are waiting for school to start. Several buses drive past and enter a separate parking lot, which I assume to be the bus drop-off.

"This place is insane," I say out loud with shock.

"You think this is insane, just wait till you see inside and the Back," Lydia says as she wraps her arm around me. "Welcome to KinderBridge High, or what I like to call it Hell on Earth," Lydia says with a drag in her voice.

I look around and notice a lot of people looking over here. Why does it feel like a celebrity just arrived? I see a group of girls whispering by a car, What the hell is going on?

I don't like it.

"You see Ken, our brothers are kinda popular, and those are their fan girls," Lydia says with a yuck expression.

That explains the stares then.

"Oh good, here they come," Lydia says looking at the three people walking over to us.

"Who are they?" I asked Lydia confused.

"The girl on the left is Sarah, she brings the party and the middle is our friend, Loui, he's a idiot and is the party, They are both 4th years like our brothers here." She says pointing at them.

"And what about that one" I point to the one on the far right. He is tall probably the tallest here, if I had to guess I would say 6'3. Makes me seem short although I am 5'11. He has Headphones on and in his world. He looks very muscular, and he must work out, I wouldn't be surprised if he's on the football team. He has a buzzcut, Hot. He wears shorts that show his muscular legs, Fuck. and the Designer long-sleeved sweater definitely hides his muscles under that. No ken.

Who is this man? And why do I feel weird?

"Oh him, 4th year Raymond Cruz, he's an exchange student, he came here two years ago. He's very attractive but he tries to get with every girl he deems attractive" She says with annoyance in her voice.

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