Day 2

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~Ken POV~

it's Friday no school Tomorrow, I don't know what made them make the first day of school on a Thursday but I'm not complaining.

I look in the mirror in my bathroom, I think I'm ready for school. I have a nice comfy outfit on.A black crop top, black sweater, and some white cargo pants, I'm leaving my hair curly today, i'll put some earrings on and head out.

I grab my bag and phone and walk downstairs, I see Dante sitting on the chair waiting like yesterday, my sister is not here so I suppose she's still sleeping. I guess she was only up early yesterday because it was my first day, She doesn't seem like a morning person.

"Ready? let's go." My brother says looking at me.

We make our way to the car and get settled.

"Zeke got his car back so him and Lydia are driving today, we'll meet them there," he says as he pulls out the driveway.

"Ok," I say as I rest my head on the window.
We arrive at the school parking lot, in the same spot as yesterday, we get our stuff together and get out of the car.

"Hey guys," I hear Zeke say walking up to us.

"Ahhh Ken," I see Lydia running to me with her arms out, i rush to her with mines out and we connect into a hug. We both start walking ahead of the group.

"So are you ready for day two," she says

"Yup," I respond.

As we enter the school I get reminded of what happened yesterday.

Actually, I'm not.
I'm on my way to my first-period class, I didn't see Raymond at the parking lot and after what happened yesterday I wouldn't be against him not being here today. ;)

I walk into class and don't see Raymond. Perfect. I get to my seat and put my head down, ima just take a nap for this period.

I began to drift off to sleep but hear movement beside me so I sit up.

I look over and see Raymond sitting next to me,

He has his headphones in and is on his phone but stops and turns to look at me.

F*ck. Why do I always get caught staring? ;(

we remain staring at each other in silence for a while until he reaches towards my desk and grabs my phone, he then swipes and puts it up in the air.

He's taking a picture, Seriously.

Regardless I smile, he takes the picture and then gives me back the phone.

"Now you can look at me whenever you want," he says with a smirk.

I freeze, dumbfounded at his comment.

I guess he's just gonna act like nothing happened yesterday. Tch, I guess I will too.

I look at the picture and honestly, it's cute. he just looks hot without trying and I'm smiling cutely in the back.

I smile at it.

"Hmpf," I hear Raymond let out.

I look at him "Stop being so tense," I say nudging him causing him to let out a little smile.

My chest gets warm. ;)

"Wanna walk again?" he asks me.

"Sure," I respond to his question cause him to get up

He does his little thing to the teacher and we leave to walk around.
We've been walking around in silence for a while and It's so awkward, you can feel the ten-
"Relax, You look so tense," he nudges me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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