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~Ken POV~

I sat there in bed waiting. I don't know what I was waiting for, but I was waiting for something. I then heard it and jumped up.
"Fucking alarm!!," I shout. I lean over and grab my phone.

-Thursday, September 15, 2022 -

I turn off my alarm. It's 6:30 in the morning, School starts in one hour. The first day of school ever, as a third year. This will be great.

"Ahhhhh" I shouted as I began sitting up and getting out of bed.
"Now, Let's get ready," I say to myself as I clap my hands. I walk to my bathroom door that's connected to my room but before I can turn the knob, I hear a knock on my room door. "Come in," I say already knowing who's on the other side.

"Are you ready Ken," I hear my older sister Everly brag as she opens my door and makes her way through my room.

"No! Why would I be" I responded to her in disgust as I turned on the faucet water.

"Come on it's the first day, I will be there with you," she says with a reassuring voice as she leans on the doorway "And so will Zeke" she continues.

I finish wetting my face and turn to look at her after hearing my older brother's name "I know You will Everly," I say to my sister as I reach to get my towel. I wipe my face and say "I don't know why Dad won't let me stay homeschooled.." I look over at my sister and say "Mom would've," I look in the mirror at myself, then put the towel down

Everly looks at my mirror reflection with a sad expression "I miss her too," she says as she looks up. "Kai, I know the whole move is hard on you, and I understand you miss Mom a lot, I miss her too but trust me you'll like it here, dad isn't all that bad when he's home and Dante.... Well, Dante just has that kind of personality but trust me, he will be there for you, and best of all you have me," She points to herself and smiles "The best older sister ever," she looks at me with a smile that's as bright as the sun. I smile back at her.

"Ima go see what Dante is doing" She gets ready to leave the bathroom door frame but stops "Oh, I almost forgot,".

I look at her in confusion.

"I don't start class till 9:00 am so you'll be riding with Dante in the morning." She finishes.

"WHAT" I yell.

I don't wanna go, I don't talk with my brother, we never had a conversation since I moved here. To be honest I don't even know if he likes me.

"You guys need bonding time and this is perfect, but if you don't wanna you can always take the bus" she looks at the clock on the bathroom wall "It leaves in five minutes, 6:40," she says looking back at me.

"What time is he leaving" I say, as I pick up my toothbrush.

"7:20," she says and walks out of my room.

"Today is going to be a great day," I say sarcastically looking into the mirror. I raised my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth.
"Ok, I think I'm ready," I say to myself as I look in the mirror at my appearance. My hair is in a nice curly man bun, I'm wearing a white shirt that has a pink design, it is a bit oversized on me but that's ok, it hides my sleep build. Down to my lower half, I'm wearing baggy grey cargos, with pink and grey Jordan's on my feet. I can hear the homophobic comments already, I'll just ignore them like always. A bunch of teenagers in school can't be worse than adults. I sigh and look at the clock, it's 7:15.

"Perfect timing," I shouted as I made my way to my nightstand to grab my phone, I then walked over to my bags and grab a white tote with little pink hearts I glued onto it. The bag is big enough for me to fit my computer and books in so it saves me from wearing a book bag. I walk over to my jewelry stand and get my earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. We love accessorizing over here.

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