First Day...

71 2 24

~Kens POV~

He's coming.


Act normal.

Why am I acting like this? It's just another person.

"Wassup, Ken right?" he says sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, Raymond?" I respond to him, looking in his direction.

"Yup, that's my name don't wear it out," he says jokingly.

I stare at him with a straight face.

"I'm joking," he says laughing awkwardly.

"Your brother mentioned you're new to this school stuff, Are you having trouble with anything?" He asks me while moving his body in my direction.

"Not really, I'm just confused about these classes, this school is so big and there are so many rooms, I don't know where to go," I respond to him with a confused look.

"Ah I see, give me one second," he says as he gets up and walks to the teacher's desk.

He talks with her, I don't know what about, I can't hear or read lips. But I can see he's being flirty making her laugh and giggle.

This guy is a f*cking flirt, and I thought he was anti-social wearing those headphones, guess I was wrong.

He walks back to me.

"Come on," he says standing up motioning me to follow him.

Confused, I get up and follow him as he walks out the door, before we fully exit the teacher says.

"Be back before the end of the period" the teacher shouts to Raymond.

"Will do," Raymond responds, not even turning as he exits the door.

"Ok, what class do you have next, I'll walk you around and show you how to get there so you know," Raymond says as we stand in the middle of the hall.

He's so nice.

"My next classes are 146 English and 147 Math," I say to him as he's starts walking. I follow

I can't tell if he's being nice. I want to believe he's being nice, but I'll keep my guard up.

Raymond shows me where Math and English are, I tell him photography is next and we start walking.

"Omg, he's right there" A girl sounding nervous.

"Go ask him, go," the other girl says pushing her in our direction, in front of Roman

"Hey, Raymond," the girl says nervously

"Wassup" Raymond says looking at her.

he's acting differently.

"I was wondering if I could have your snap," she says nervously, pulling out her phone.

"Of course cutie," he says flirty, as he takes her phone and puts his snap-in.

I can't believe I'm watching this right now.

The girl squeals and runs away with her friend.

"Eww, you're such a flirt," I say as we continue walking

"You jealous? You want me to flirt with you" he says laughing.


"Soo photography," I say ignoring what he said.

"I didn't hear a no," he says getting me to answer.

"No" I respond.

"Doubt that, but ok" he says

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