Chapter 39 - The New York Institute

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Chapter 39

The New York Institute

Not Intended for readers under the age of 18


A/N: Just a heads up to make reading easier, some of the more intimate parts of this chapter switch back and forth between Alec and Magnus' perspectives.

Some content in this chapter is sensitive. Some terms and phrases are seen by many as offensive. Do not read this if you are sensitive to homophobic content/slurs.

Four Days Later

T-Minus 15 hrs 22 minutes to Mission Departure

Alec stared at the time on the bedside clock. 2:18 am. He'd been trying to will himself back to sleep for the past hour, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get his mind to settle enough to sleep. He just had too much it.

He'd looked at the upcoming mission plan both on paper and in his mind's eye from every angle he could think of, going over every possible scenario good and bad. The extraction plan for Sam Redwine at The New York Institute is a solid one. Were there risks? Of course. There always are on missions. But they were prepared for whatever came at them.

He'd spent the day before going over the final details of the plan and finalizing Jaxon Blackwell's upcoming extraction in London before sitting down with Sam's New York extraction team. It wouldn't be just him and his team going on this mission. As he'd discussed with his alpha during his heat, they were taking Lydia, Leenie, Jia, and his father along as well. They were proof for all of New York to see that they hadn't kidnapped or murdered anyone.

They were also taking two warlocks, his own, and his mother. Their presence on the mission had nothing to do with proof per 'say but was more a statement of fact, that the downworld stood with them. And who better to represent the downworld than the leader of the downworld and his second in command? There was also no going on this mission without them. There would be no persuading them to stay behind even if he'd wanted to which he didn't. So, they'd all sat down and gone through it step by step.

He had no doubt that Lydia and Leenie could hold their own. Or that his dad could. But Jia, while she was doing great in training, she hadn't been in a combat situation in a very long time. While it's true that his father hadn't been in one either, it's different. He's different. He'd been back in training longer and is a Lightwood. He'd been the best in his day and had knocked the rust off quickly and easily. So, they'd be keeping a close eye on her. They'd ensure that she's covered. But as she'd said, it's important that the Shadowhunters of The New York Institute see her, a Counsil member, standing with them. And she wasn't just any Counsil member, she was one who'd always been known to be honorable, respectable, fair, and just.

Looking at the clock again, he sighed. While he knew that time would move faster as the day went on, right now it was dragging. And he needed to clear his head before starting what he knew would be a very busy day. Moving slowly and carefully he eased out from beneath his husband's arm and slipped silently out bed. Not even Chairman stirred. Moving quickly and quietly he dressed in the dark. He didn't need any light to see, he's a Shadowhunter and could see just fine. Taking a last look at his still sleeping warlock, he slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

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