10. Race & Fight

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I sat in the passenger seat while Adi bhayya took the driver's seat. I fastened my seatbelt while he turned on the ignition.

"I heard you are into racing?" He asked after a few minutes of painful silence. He's trying to speak at least.

"I heard something similar too!" I replied and he gave me a small smile.

"I had to feel at least something was under my control. I lost control over almost everything after you left..."

"I was sent away." I corrected him.

"Yes, and I am sorry I couldn't do anything at that time. I felt like I'd lost everything. Dadi left us, you were accused of causing an accident and it was all so sudden for me to even understand. Finally, when I came to terms with the things that happened you were sent away." He said and I could feel a lump forming in my throat. I glanced at him and saw his eyes turning glossy and a lone tear escaped his eyes.

"Pull over!" I said and he followed. I don't want him to drive in this state. I don't want to risk our lives at any cost.

"I get it you were too shocked to react at that time but why didn't you come to me after you came to terms with the happenings? Did you... did you believe that I did it?" I managed to complete my question choking.

"No! I never believed it. I promise Cheenu. And about coming to you I wanted to. I even booked the flight tickets for the next week you left. But, Chachu stopped me. He made me promise that I will not bring you back until everything is settled." He dropped a bomb. Chachu stopped Adi bhayya from coming to me. Why? He knows how much I love him and how much I miss him, so why? What reason is bigger than my tears to him?

"Why?" I whispered looking at my lap.

"To keep you safe. Riya's maamu was planning to kill you at that time. When Chachu came to know about it, it was the I was going to bring you back. Rani sa and Papa were angry with you and we were not sure they would listen to us at all. And we didn't want to add more burden on you with that death threat. So, we decided to protect you from afar rather than bringing you back. By the time we got rid of him, it was 2 years and you refused to come back. Even though I wanted to bring you back right then, Chachi asked me to give you some time and you will come around. I was waiting, Cheenu! Waiting for my Cheenu to come back to her Adi bhayya. Every time I tried to reach out to you, he stopped me saying you were not ready to meet me and you might end up hating me if I tried to force you to talk to me. You have no idea of how many times I have got my jet ready to come to you but stopped at the last minute not wanting to see hate for me in your eyes. I was ready to live my entire life in the hope of you coming back rather than seeing your hate for me." He said holding my hands in his and his tears flowed freely.

"I've never hated you bhayya! I couldn't bring myself to hate you even when I tried. " I breathed out resting my head on our joined hands. But why would Chachu say something like that? He of all very well knows how much I love Adi bhayya and how I cried for days for him to talk to me. I thought Bhayya believed it and didn't want to talk to me but it was Chachu who asked him not to but why?

"I missed you!" We both said at the same time and chuckled between the tears. I missed my bhayya for years. Now, I won't allow any misunderstanding, any threat, or any human to separate us. I will tear anyone who dares to separate us piece by piece. 

"I used to get all your details from Manya," I said after a while.

"I used to get all your details from Annie and Robert!" He said and my eyes became wide like saucers.

"Annie and Robert?" I asked flabbergasted. Annie was my friend and PA in London and Robert works at our home.

"I planted them there for your safety. Even Chachu had made sure of your security I didn't want to take a risk. But he doesn't know about Annie and Robert as I planted them 2 years after he made those security arrangements," He confessed making me sob again. I thought he didn't care but he did. He protected me from a distance and always looked out for me. I, on the other hand, who claims to not give a damn about him, call his girlfriend every three days to hear about him. She thinks she was blabbering about him but it was me who always made her speak about him. I used to ask Anmol about him too. And I am sure even he used to do that.

"It will take time to become like before but I want to try, I want my Adi bhayya back. I want to be his Cheenu again," I said after a brief silence with my silent tears.

"Thank you! You were, are, and will always be my Cheenu, a piece of my heart, my pride," He said, kissed my forehead, and wiped off my tears. He started driving again while I rested my head on the window and stared at the sky outside. I found the sky beautiful after a long time. The moon peeking out from the blanket of clouds, the tender night breezes, and the soft music playing in the car made the atmosphere pleasant. 

Soon, we reached the place where the race was going to be held. A few people greeted Bhayya as we walked in. Bhayya got me a juice bottle after having it, we waited for a while before others joined us. The host finally announced the start of the race in 10 minutes. The racers got into their cars and roared their engines. The cars accelerated and the smoke oozed out making the scene blurry and the sound of cars vrooming filled my cells with new excitement and joy. Soon a gunshot was heard and the cars dashed forward. I was enjoying the race with great excitement when I started hiccupping. I decided to get some water and excused myself from others.

I was walking back to others when I bumped into someone and their drink spilled on me.

"So sorry! I will clean it." The disgusting man spoke in his disgusting tone and smirked at me.

"It's okay. I can clean it myself." I said showing him my hand as a gesture to stop him. I know how to deal with these types of pricks but I don't want to create any drama and give a chance to the royal family to point a finger at me.

"How can I let a sexy figure like you do these minimal works? You are made to satisfy the men like me." He said making me feel like slapping the shit out of him. I was about to say something when a few more goons joined him. What the hell? I took a step back and collided with something hard or should I say someone?

"Are you alright?" He asked in his husky voice near my ear making goosebumps erupt. I shuddered at our proximity but nodded my head in yes nevertheless.

"Want some help dealing with this?" He asked with a glint of amusement and anger in his voice. I turned my face a little and looked at him. My back is touching his front and his hands are on my elbow holding me in place. His face is so close to me that now my breath is fanning his cheeks. 

"Oye hero! Leave if you love your life!" One of the goons spoke breaking my trance. 

"Want my help?" He asked me again. I can see his eyes throwing fireballs at those rogues and his jaw clenched.

"I can surely use some help, Your Highness!" I replied with a smile and he nodded. He made me stand properly and rolled up his sleeves.

"Which one of them do you want to handle?" He asked me eyeing them like a predator eyeing his prey. I glanced at those disgusting creatures before shifting my focus back to him.

"The one who is very interested in deciding what I should do?" I replied but it came out as a question. It felt like I was asking his opinion. He smirked and nodded his head.

"I'll handle the rest." He gave me a nod, untied his Rolex, placed it in my hand, and said "That's my favorite. Keep it safe." He said and I nodded in response before keeping it in my purse safely.

"Do you think you both are some power couple?" The previous jerk asked coming towards me. He raised his hand to slap me but I held it mid-air and twisted it back. He groaned in pain.

"We don't think so. We are!" I heard him say before punching in the guts of a goon. I handled the one who commented on me and stood aside watching him handle the rest. I was lost in my thoughts when Abhimaan suddenly pulled me towards him and kicked the person who was about to attack me. I landed on his chest due to the pull. My hands rested on his chest while his hands were around my waist holding me securely.

"Are you okay?" He asked examining my face closely and I gave him a meek nod. I don't know why, but I am getting shy and nervous when he is around. Why? Why I am feeling butterflies for my enemy's boyfriend of all the people on earth?

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