Chapter ten- Wait what?

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A/N- Forgive me if my writing is harsh to day I have a bit of anger in my mind...and i can't take it out on a soccer ball at the moment so I'll just put it into the story... Here it is my lovelies.
"Wake up this instant or I will personally shove a cactus up your butt!"
I groaned as my alarm went off. I really needed to change that. I don't need even know why I set that up in the first place, but it does a great job of waking me up.
I rolled off of my bed and landed on the ground with a thud. I moaned, I thought my bed was longer! Mumbling under my breath I took out pink sweatpants, yes I have pink sweatpants, and a pink sports bra. That was suitable for training right? I quickly hopped in the shower, blasting music while I did so. I put on my clothes and put my hair in a ponytail before going downstairs and eating an apple. I shifted and flew off to Raven's house.
He told me to meet him at his house so we could train. I have no idea what we are gonna do there but I shrugged it off.

I located his house easily. It was like something was pulling me toward him. Probably because of the stupid Cupid crap. Landing on his front step, I looked around making sure no one was watching, before shifting. I heard scuffling and a gasp. My head shot up to meet the shocked gaze of the one and only Raven. Great, just great. He really had to open the door at that particular time?! I gasped before turning on my heel ready to flee, but his hand shot out and caught my wrist. Tingles shocked my body but I ignored the pleasure and looked up at him, timidly. He pulled me inside and shut the door.

"Raven," I tried weakly but he shut me up by raising his hand.

"Why did you shift right there? The whole world could have seen you!" Raven almost yelled. Shock coursed through me.

"How k-know?" I stuttered. Raven gave me a "duh" look.

"I know everything about you Dovelyn. I wouldn't be sent to protect you if I didn't," he replied calmly. I suddenly felt very dumb and uttered a simple, "oh" in response.

"Who exactly sent you?" I asked curiously. I felt like I was missing a whole lotta information. Raven bit his lip nervously and I had to resist the urge to kiss him. I mentally slapped myself, which I had been doing a lot recently.

"The counsel. They sent me from our original realm to protect you because activity including Ashwatthama was being reported. They needed someone more personal other than the other guards we placed around your house. As in personal they wanted me to get to know you but then everyone realized we are Forevers," he stopped and took a deep breath, looking at me expectantly. I nodded irritated that I had some major stalkers growing up.

"When do we train?" I asked before I exploded in anger. Raven looked relieved at the change in subject. Suddenly his expression changed as his eyes travelled over my body. I felt self-conscious but refused to show it.

"You are not wearing that," he growled, his eyes darkening as he saw my sports bra. These were made for working out, so what's his problem? It's not like anyone is going to see me. He roughly took off his navy blue shirt revealing a six-pack. I averted my eyes as my mouth went dry. He thrust the shirt towards me. I gave him a questioning look but didn't take the shirt. He grunted before gently tackled me to the ground, yes gently. Forcing my arms up I was about to scream RAPE! Before he tugged the shirt on. I struggled but he straddled me and held me down as he pulled the shirt on all the way.

"What are you doing? You broke one of the rules!" I yelled as he finally let me up.

"I will not allow anyone to see what's mine with barely any clothes on!" He growled, yes growled. I didn't know he could do that. I looked down to see the shirt reached my knees and smelt like him. I loved his smell. Again, I mentally slapped myself.

"But this shirt is swallowing me whole!" I protested, trying to pull the shirt off, but Raven pulled my arms behind my back. I struggled, but be chuckled.

"Let me tie it up so it fits better," I grunted, wanting to slap Raven. He slowly let go and I pulled a hair tie from my wrist and tied the shirt up.

He held out his hand to me when I was finished but I just stared at it. Sighing he led me though the house to a set of stairs that I'm guessing, led to the basement.

"Is this the part where you kill me?" I asked, earning a forced chuckle from Raven. Okay, I need to buy him a bag full of humor for his birthday. I mentally chuckled at myself as I descended the stairs with Raven behind me. I heard music, grunts, and the clattering of metal. Sounds like a club, I thought as I walked into a huge basement. There were like a hundred different stations. From archery, to weights, to a boxing ring, to treadmills. I gaped in a amazement as I saw a whole bunch of guys working out, but frowned when I saw no females. Great I was gonna be the only one in here with boobs.

"Come on, let's get started," Raven said. Almost automatically the music was turned off and all of the men walked over, forgetting what they were previously doing. They lined up in front of Raven and I, staring at me. They were all well built but didn't look as good as Raven... who still didn't have a shirt on. None of the guys in the room had shirts on and I was repulsed at the thought of drooling over someone other than Raven. Wait, what? I need to just stop thinking about anything because my thoughts always wonder to Raven.

All of the guys were checking me out, shamelessly. Raven growled, yes growled, again! He moved me behind him and hissed, "she is mine and only mine. If you so much as look at her the wrong way I will kill you." All of the men looked like they were about to pee themselves. They all averted their eyes from what they could see of me since I was behind Raven.

My eyes widened at Ravens threat. I rather liked this protective side it made him look hot....wait what?

Shout out to SamlarDopp8 for taking this lovely picture. I take credit for the editing but give her full credit for the picture!

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