Chapter eighteen- Dream

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I know. I know. I'm a horrible person putting up this song but it sorta explains the situation so.....enjoy! P.s. two updates in a row? Woo whoo! Just a reminder: I haven't really edited this book yet so please point out any errors I won't get offended, just don't be rude about it. Thanks! <3

Dovelyn's pov

Red poppies dotted the meadow. Doves carried themselves gracefully through the sky. The field void of any trees save one. Crooked and proud. Bare and confident.

Songs filled the air as well as petrichor from an ephemeral rain. Light wind brushed across the tall, growing grass.


Everything bathed in light.

Soft honey glows.

A woman. Soft black hair flowing in the light wind. A challenging black dress covers her tall frame, her back to me.

I walked quietly to her as she slowly turned around.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"Does mom ring a bell?" She asked gently.

That was it.

The voice in my mind.

"Mom?" I asked tears gathering, ready to take their journey down my cheeks.

"I've missed you," she breathed, pulling me into her arms.

"I never knew you. I didn't know who and what to miss," I admitted my tears betraying me and flowing. I heard a soft sob from my mother and pulled away to wipe her tears.

"You've grown so much," she cried, "and I wasn't there." I nodded and wiped more tears from her face.

"But that's okay now. You're here now and whatever time we have together will be enough until we meet again," I whispered peering into her wide eyes.

"You're a wise one," she commented with a sniffle. I laughed.

"Only when I need to be," I chuckled. Her face turned serious and I immediately wiped my face and stepped away too look her straight in the eyes.

"There's not much time. Ashwatthama is planning to use your power against everyone to bring down this realm. You need to protect the humans or else," she ordered. I nodded and waited for her to continue. Her eyes softened.

"You have to learn to use your power. Yes you can shift and yes you have enhanced abilities but my child you can do so much more!" She explained.

"I can?" I asked skeptically.

"Every queen can," she smiled brightly.

My mother held out her hand, palm up.
It lit up with a small flame. I shrieked and jumped back as the flame floated higher and surrounded us in a big wall.

"What are you doing?" I yelled staring at the huge wall before us.

"That's just the start!" she called. The fire suddenly dived for my mother and I shrieked in fear as it consumed her.
I closed my eyes tightly.


I was greeted by silence until a voice spoke.

"You can open your eyes child," it said coaxingly.

I opened my eyes to see my mom, unscathed. I gaped.

"Wha-how-did? I stammered.

"I can control the elements child," she said, mirth in her eyes.

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