Chapter seventeen- Dangerously Beautiful

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Sorry I haven't updated in a lil but I was busy with birthday stuff. Enjoy! Reagan above^ Enjoy!

Dovelyn pov
The adrenaline wore of and I fell to the ground emitting a cry of pain due to the stab wound in my shoulder.

I crawled over to the dead woman and pulled her head into my lap, clenching my jaw from the pain. More blood poured onto me but I didn't care. I looked like Carrie from that one ghost movie, when she went on a rampage.

I looked at the woman placed a shaking hand over the gun shot wound and summoned my power. I've never done this before but I was confident it would work.

My body started to hum as I conjured the healing light. Bright rays seeped from my hands and lit up the alley way. The woman's body soaked in my power and her wound slowly weaved shut. A gasp left her lips as her eyes shot open and looked around wildly.

"Shhh. It's okay calm down. It's alright," I cooed softly. Her eyes shot to me and she gasped again sitting up hastily and facing me.

I heard pounding footsteps and tried to calm down the hyperventilating woman. I stroked her back and soothed her with low murmurs of comfort.

"Dovelyn!" I heard a voice scream. I ignored the voice and continued caring for the woman.

"What is your name?" I asked softly.

"R-Reagan," she whispered. I nodded.

"Okay Reagan, the bad guys are gone. You can't tell anyone about this though," I whispered gently but put a bit of power into my voice. She made a choking sound and threw up, getting to her hands and knees. She nodded shakily.

"O-okay," she choked and then retched.

The footsteps got closer and stopped about five feet away from me. I was dragged away from the woman and pulled into a pair of strong arms.

I hissed in pain as my shoulder came into contact with Raven's back. He immediately pulled away and turned me around so I was facing him. His eyes were clouded with images tears, his cheeks already year stained. I raised my hands to his face and wiped away the tears whispering soothing words to him softly.

"Heal yourself!" He screamed, his eyes lit up with craze. I slowly put my hands on either side of his face and whispered, "give me a moment. I'm fine. I healed the woman from the tent!"

Pride covered my face before it dropped and seriousness replaced it.

"We need to get out of here Raven," I muttered before tearing myself away from him and walking to Regina. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"Heal yourself," he growled. Something inside me burned at his disrespect. I straightened my posture and yanked my wrist out of his grasp and looked him in his eyes, which he immediately lowered to the ground. I felt power pulsate from me as I opened my mouth to speak.

"As your queen I order you to never disrespect me again. I will not tolerate this behavior. This woman has just went through death and back I will attend to here before thinking about myself," I said my power leaking from every word.

What is this feeling?

Power, my child. You are his queen, a voice whispered in my head.

I mentally freaked out at the voice but kept my posture and my calm face.

"Yes, my queen," he whispered. I could tell he was hurt by my tone but I wasn't going to let him order me around.

I walked over to Reagan and crouched next to her shaking form.

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