🪢Hanging by a threat🪢

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Maxine was on a late night walk when she heard running behind her and saw Scott coming towards her." Maxine wait!" Scott shouts, "What Scott? How could you do that  to me?"Maxine asked with crossed arms." It didn't mean a thing I promise it was just a kiss," Scott says.

"See how am I meant to believe you when since she arrived I've been forgotten, you've been like a love-sick puppy for her and you kissed her!" Max shouts."Well, what about that Jace Hale, he seems to have his eyes on you!"Scott yells back."I have done fuck all with Jace and don't try and turn this on fucking me! You kissed another girl and I've been one hundred percent loyal to you!" Maxine yells.

"Max, I promise you now that kiss meant nothing and it will never happen again," Scott says softly."Just give me a chance to prove it," Scott pleads."One chance and if you fuck up your history," Maxine states. Scott nods and goes to kiss Maxine when she blocks his attempt." I'll see you tomorrow then?" Scott says and then leaves.

Maxine walks away and heads home when Jace steps out of the dark." Max!" Jace says with a smile." What?" Maxine asked with a look." Will you allow me to walk you home? I rather walk you and know you are safe than leave you to walk alone," Jace says getting closer to her. Maxine thought about it and nodded," Okay, sure," Maxine said with a soft smile.


Scott and Stiles are walking into school and Scott tells Stiles about a dream he had last night."One you better have been dreaming about Maxine, not Allison, and two they are probably okay," Stiles says."Neither of them is answering their phones," Scott says worriedly."Why do you have Allison's number?" Stiles questions.

"Because she's new? And she's Lydia's friend so I'm helping her out," Scott says."Scott come on, I know you, don't do this to her! You and she have been together since you were thirteen don't throw her away for a girl you barely know!" Stiles tells him.

"Just help me find them," Scott asks. Scott was looking around frantically for Allison and Maxine when he bumped into Allison."You scared the hell outta me." Allison says as she picks her books up.

"You're okay," Scott says in relief. "Once my heart starts beating again, yeah," Allison says getting back up." Is Max okay?" Allison questions. "Yeah, she wasn't feeling well," Scott nods."Oh okay, Hope she's better now though?" Allison says.


Maxine was now caught up with everything thanks to Stiles and the trio was heading to lunch. But dreams aren't memories." Stiles says "Then it wasn't a dream. Something happened last night, and I can't remember what." Scott mutters."Just like you kissing Allison, "Maxine mutters. "What makes you so sure that Derek and Jace even have all the answers?" Stiles questions

"Because during the full moon, he hasn't changed. He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some innocent guy." Scott points out."You don't know that," Stiles says."Yeah, I don't not know that, "Scott grumbles.

Lydia then set her tray down beside Scott with Jackson Allison set down by Scott who smiled at her and moved his backpack for her to sit next to her. Maxine's mood went sour in a split second."Why are they sitting with us?" Stiles asked Maxine. " How the fuck would I know? I'm not a mind reader," Maxine grumbles.

Danny joined Maxine's side and hugged her making Maxine feel comfort in his arms. Jace joined the table and looked at Danny and Maxine with jealous eyes."So I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar." Danny comments "I heard mountain lion." Jackson comments.

"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia says smartly then she turns dumb and says "Isn't it?" Lydia asks."Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway." Jackson rudely comments.

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