🫂Looking for Jace and Derek🫂

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Stiles, Maxine, and Scott are in his room looking for Scott's phone which he lost the other night."Call it again," Scott pleads."It's not here. Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?" Stiles asked"I can't afford a new one, and we can't do this alone. We have to find Derek," Scott reveals.

"Well, A) you're not alone, you have me not sure about Maxine anymore considering you cheated on her, and B) didn't you say Derek and Jace walked into gunfire? They sound pretty dead," Stiles says.

Maxine glared and thumped him on the shoulder."Ow!" Stiles winces. "Argent planned to use them to get to Peter. They're not gonna kill them," Maxine tells him.

"All right, so then, just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use Derek and Jace to find Peter. The problem is solved," Stiles says.

"Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek and Jace! We can't protect her on my own, which means we either find Derek and Jace first -" Scott stutters"Just help me!" Scott stammers.

"You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting. Do you remember that? When were they trying to kill you? After you interrupted them trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behaviour here?" Stiles suggests.

"Stiles, I'm going to kill you myself now shut it!" Maxine threatens." They weren't going to kill anyone, and I'm not letting them die," Scott tells Stiles. "Could you at least think about letting them die? For me?" Stiles asked.

Maxine clips at Stiles's head hard and he winces, and Scott stops moving around."What?" Stiles asked Scott "My mom just got home from work," Scott answered."Is she okay?" Maxine asked concerned for Melissa. What's she doing?" Stiles questions. "Crying," Scott says sadly. Scott sits on the bed, "Scott, you can't protect everyone," Stiles says softly."I have to,"  Scott responds.


Maxine was stood by Stiles when Scott approached Jackson."You want me to take her to the formal?" Jackson repeats sceptically."I don't want you to-- I need you to." Scott sighs." Screw you. You know what? Screw you, too. In fact, screw each other." Jackson points to both lads.

"Hey, you know he saved your life right?" Stiles points."He left me for dead!" Jackson says."I got shot for you," Scott argued."Oh, yeah? Show me the bullet wound." Jackson taunts."You know it healed," Scott mutters."Convenient." Jackson scoffs.

"Just do it for Allison, okay? She's in danger-- I'm talking around-the-clock danger. She needs someone to keep an eye on her at the dance." Scott yells frustrated.

"Have her dad do it, okay? He's the one equipped to handle this." Jackson points out."How am I supposed to do that and keep him from finding out about me?" Scott asks."Not my problem." Jackson shrugs."You're her friend, too," Scott tells him. Jackson just shrugs.

"You are. All that time that you spent with her to get to me? You can't tell me that you didn't get to know her and like her." Scott questions him.

"It's Allison-- it's impossible not to like her," Scott says. Maxine snorts and scoffs at this comment." Maxine doesn't like her and I trust Max's judgement of character, and like hell I'm going against Max's for you," Jackson says."You can't tell me that you don't care if she gets hurt." Scott says.

"What if I get hurt?" Jackson says."Then it's worth it," Scott shrugs."Not to me, I'd get hurt for Maxine but not for Allison," Jackson says walking away."Well, I shouldn't say, "I told you so..." Stiles mocks.

"Cause it's not strong enough. How about, "I'm always right, and you should listen to whatever I have to say and never disagree ever, ever, for the sake of your wolf hood?" Stiles says with a look.

"I'm not done," Scott says following Jackson."You're not done... Okay..." Stiles says They watch as Scott approaches Jackson."One more thing," Scott says gaining Jackson's attention. Scott wolf out scaring Jackson and Jackson leaves, scared of Scott.


Maxine went to the formal with Danny and his partner who was waiting for her and he gave her a Piggyback ride into the formal.

They entered the hall and the dance began they saw everyone arriving and Danny pulled Maxine up for a dance and the two danced together with one another with Danny's partner's permission.

"Thank you for making my night the best," Maxine smiles."Your welcome sister," Danny winks. Lydia walks out of the hall and after Jackson. Stiles and Maxine were having a drink when they noticed Jackson coming in scared and nervous like he'd done something wrong.

Maxine and Stiles approached Jackson."Where the hell have you been?" Maxine asked. "Did Lydia ever find you?" Stiles questions. Jackson can barely speak as he tries to tell Stiles and Maxine about what he did." Jay, what did you do?" Maxine asked.

"I-I was out behind the school, and I-I was out--" Jackson stammers."Jackson, what did you do?" Stiles questions frustrated. Maxine realises what he's done." Oh boy, tell me you didn't?" Maxine says with a look and Jackson gives a Yeah I did look.

Maxine rushed out with Stiles to the field and he took off running with Maxine following close behind. They reach the field and see Lydia standing there. The field lights start turning on, and they see Peter walking toward Lydia.

"Jackson is that you?!" Lydia calls out repeatedly."LYDIA! RUN!" Stiles yells. Lydia turns to see Peter with red eyes coming at her. Lydia tries to run but he grabs her and Lydia falls to the ground bitten and bloodied.

Peter covers Lydia."Don't kill her... Please..." Stiles begs as they get to Lydia."Of course not! Just tell me how to find Derek and Jace," Peter says with fake kindness."W-what?" Stiles stutters.

"Tell me how to find Derek and Jace Hale," Peter asked."I don't know that. How would I know that?" Stiles says."Because you're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles." Peter states.

"Tell me the truth or I will rip them apart starting with Miss Ripley here not that I want to hurt my son's lover," Peter says extending his claws into Maxine's torso."Look, I don't know, okay? I swear to God, I have no idea." Stiles stammers.

"TELL ME!" Peter yells."Okay, okay, okay, look... I-I think he knew--" Stiles rambles."Knew what?" Peter says impatiently."Derek, I think he... I think he knew he was gonna be caught." Stiles says."By the Argents?" Peter works out.

"Yeah..." Stiles says. "And?" Peter wonders."When they were shot, he and Scott-- I think he took Scott's phone." Stiles works out."Why?" Peter asked."They all have GPS now. So, if he still has it, and if it's still on... you can find him." Stiles tells him.

Peter nodded and cleaned the blood off his hands and was about to drag Stiles and Maxine leaving Lydia for dead."No. I'm not just letting you leave her here." Stiles says.

"You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me and so is she." Peter says grabbing Maxine ."Just kill me. Look, I don't care anymore." Stiles says tearfully. "Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get." Peter says walking away with Maxine in his grip.


Episode 11 is done ✔️

Episode 12 is up next 🔜

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