Chpt. 7: Percy and Luke fight

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Percy's P.O.V
I went back to my cabin. After a few minutes, Ariel and Isabella knocked on the door. "Percy, can we come in?" Isabella asked. "Sure, if you make me feel better," I responded. They came in with a picture of me and Annabeth when we were 12 years old. "Where did you get this?" I wondered. "Annabeth gave it to me a few days ago." Ariel said. "We thought that it would cheer you up," Isabella said, " do you feel better now?" "Yeah, but I am still mad at her for kissing Luke."
"Do you want me to talk to Annabeth?" Ariel asked me. "Sure, like I'm not already having a bad day." I said with sarcasm. "OK, I will." Ariel replied. I walk out of the cabin, walked up to Luke, uncapped riptide, and yelled "Why did you kiss Annabeth?!"

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